Sunday, October 30, 2005
Sunday Morning Message from October 30th, 2005
Habakkuk 1:12-2:20
Click here to download the MP3 file. It's 18.7MB and 40 min. long.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Sunday Morning Message from October 23rd, 2005
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Sunday Morning Message from October 16th, 2005
Matthew 12:22
Mark 3:20-30
Recap of 10/16/05:
1. We do not seek to “bind” Satan in prayer:
-our concern is not the power of Satan but the “schemes” of Satan (Ephesians 6:10-18)
-our concern should not be the strongholds of Satan but the “footholds” of Satan (Ephesians 4:26,27; 1 Corinthians 7:3,5)
2. A pattern for prayer: the acrostic A-C-T-S (or if you prefer C-A-T-S)
-Adoration, appreciating God for His character, attributes and actions
-Confession, naming specific sins, agreeing with God about them and acknowledging to God our true nature
-Thanksgiving, our response to God’s blessings (family, spouse, job, etc.) and His care over us (including hardships) – 1Thessalonians 5:16-18
-Supplication, prayer for our needs and the needs of others (including all authorities) – 1 Timothy 2:1,2; Ephesians 6:18,19
3. Fear and anxiety are reminders to pray. Philippians 4:6
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Sunday Morning Message from October 9th, 2005
Recap of 10/9/05:
1. Prayer is not a substitute for action nor should it be an excuse for inaction. (Nehemiah 4:9)
2. We must learn to accept “later,” “no,” and silence as answers to prayer.
3. Prayer is not manipulating God into doing what I want, nor is it demanding of God something I want.
4. Prayer is an essential part of the abiding life of fruitfulness that Jesus talks about in John 15.
5. Since God knows all things, including our needs, why pray?
-biblical prayer is relationship oriented not results-oriented.
-God is our Father and wants us to come to Him with our needs, joys, weaknesses, hurts, etc.
-we don’t pray so that we can instruct God in our needs but so that we can have union with Him
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Sunday Morning Message from October 2nd, 2005
This week, Pastor Joe's message is the fifth installment in his series entitled "Prayer 101".
Recap of Luke 11:5-13
The “how-to” of prayer:
1. Luke 11:5-8 - We should be persistent in prayer because, if a human friend will respond out of his reluctance to our need, how much more will God respond Who is never inconvenienced, never bothered, never reluctant and does not need to be persuaded to meet our need.
2. Luke 11:9-10 – God waits for us to “keep asking, keep seeking, keep knocking,” not because He is reluctant to hear and answer us, but because He desires fellowship with us. Fellowship with God is a primary aspect of prayer.
3. Luke 11:11-13 – Even as human father respond to their children’s requests with good, not harmful things, so God, our Heavenly Father, gives good things to those who seek Him. He will give us better things than we ask for, because His will is best.
Saturday, October 01, 2005
Sorry for the absence!
It appears that our church website is currently down, so I'll get to work on setting that straight.
Also, we started getting a lot of "spam comments" today, so I turned on the word verification feature. Please don't let that discourage you from leaving some feedback for us, or sharing what you think about a particular message.
Thanks for tuning in.
Sunday Morning Message from September 25th, 2005
Click here to download the mp3 file. It's 10.5 MB and about 46 minutes long.
This week, Pastor Joe's message is the fourth installment in a series entitled "Prayer 101".
Recap of Matthew 6:12-15
The “how-to” of prayer:
1. After requests related to God’s interests (desire for His name, His kingdom and His will) we then bring requests related to our needs
-for personal, temporal needs (food, clothing, shelter)
-for spiritual needs (need for daily cleansing to maintain temporal fellowship with God)
-for deliverance both from temptation and in temptation.
2. Jesus emphasizes the need to be forgiving people. Dangers in not forgiving:
-it blocks us from receiving God’s forgiveness on a daily basis (blocks our fellowship with Him)
-it build resentment in us which will affect us emotionally or physically
-it may bring God’s discipline into our lives (1 Corinthians 11; Hebrews 12)
-it reflects the standards of the world not the standard of Jesus Christ
Sunday Morning Message from September 18th, 2005
Click here to download the mp3 file. It's 10.0 MB and about 44 minutes long.
This week, Pastor Joe's message is the third installment in a series entitled "Prayer 101".
Recap of Matthew 6:9-11
The “how-to” of prayer:
1. We come to God in prayer on the basis of our relationship with Him, He is our Father.
2. Though He is our Father, He is “in heaven,” i.e. transcendent and sovereign, with unlimited resources.
3. We begin with requests related to God’s interests: desire that He be honored, His kingdom be established and His will prevail.
4. We then bring requests related to our needs: the first request being for our personal, temporal needs.