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Recap of Habakkuk 2:6-20
1. God answers Habakkuk’s complaint (that the Babylonians would be used byGod to discipline God’s people) in two ways:
-in difficult times when God’s ways seem mysterious, the righteous must liveby faith
-the Babylonians would themselves receive God’s judgment and one day God’s glory will fill the whole earth
2. God launches five indictments (woes) against the Babylonians (and allwho live like them). Wiersbe characterizes them as “greed, selfishness,murder, drunkenness and lust, and idolatry.”
3. Each indictment illustrates the “sowing and reaping” principle ofScripture (Proverbs 22:8; Galatians 6:7). Each violation, each failurecarries the seeds of its own destruction. What a person or nation sows theywill also reap.