Monday, January 30, 2006

Sunday Morning Message from January 29th, 2006

"Understanding the Spirit" part 3
Click here to download the MP3 file. It's 10.4 MB and 45 min. long.

Recap of 1/29/06
1. The Holy Spirit restrains sin through: human government, Romans 13:1; a sense of judgment to come, Hebrews 9:27; conscience, Romans 2:15; the believer's life; the church; the Word.
2. The "convicting" work of the Holy Spirit (John 16:8-11)
-making the message of salvation clear
-"Convict means to convince someone of something, to point something out to someone" (Moody Handbook of Theology)
-the H.S. convicts of sin (the sin of rejecting Jesus Christ), of righteousness (Jesus' has and offers the righteousness that God requires), and judgment (judgment awaits those who reject Christ).
-the H.S. uses the written Word, spoken witness or the preaching of the Word (John 15:26,27; Romans 10:14) directly in the conscience of the unsaved in the work of conviction.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Sunday Morning Message for January 22th, 2006

"Understanding the Spirit" part 2.
Click here to download the MP3 file. It's 11 MB and 47 min. long.

1. The Holy Spirit is God
-He is identified as God in Acts 5:3,4
-He is said by Jesus to be a comforter or counselor similar to Himself, John 14:15-17
-He is named with other members of the Trinity on an equal basis, Matt. 28:19,20
-Old Testament passages in which God is the speaker are attributed to the
Holy Spirit in the New Testament (Acts 28:25 cp. Isaiah 6:1-13)
-He has divine attributes
2. The Holy Spirit is real not imaginary, though not seen, like the wind,
He is "real and active."
3. The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament:
-involved in creation, Genesis 1:2
-involved in revelation and inspiration of the Scripture, 2 Peter 1:21
-selectively and temporarily indwelled some Old Testament figures coming
upon them for a period of time for a specific purpose.

Sunday Morning Message for January 15th, 2006

"Understanding the Spirit"
Click here to download the MP3 file. It's 10.7MB and 46 min. long.
Reference Verses:
John 14
John 16
Acts 1
John 7
I Corinthians 2
Matthew 28
II Corinthians 3

of 1/15/06
1. An accurate, Biblical understanding of the Holy Spirit is vital to our spiritual lives.
2. The Holy Spirit is a person not an “it,” i.e., not a force, influence or power. The Holy Spirit:
- has personal characteristics (intellect, 1 Cor 2:10-11; emotion, Eph 4:30; and will, 1 Cor 12:11)
-does personal acts (He prays, Romans 8:26)
-is identified by masculine personal pronouns (though the word “spirit” in Greek is neuter)
-has personal relationships (as in the Godhead, Matthew 28:19,20)
-has personal reactions ascribed to Him (can be lied to, Acts 5:3)

Friday, January 13, 2006

Sunday Morning Message for January 8th, 2006

"Keeping it Real" Pt. 2
Click here to download the MP3 file. It's 10.5MB and 45 min. long.
Reference Verses:
Luke 11:37-54

Recap of 1/8/06
Characteristics of Legalism:
-majoring on minors, imbalanced
-more concerned with perception than reality
-blind to their own failures, they contaminate others
-binding others to a wrong interpretation of the Scriptures
-spiritually intolerant of others
-hindering others in their spiritual journey

Saturday, January 07, 2006

The church's website is back up!

Our website is now located at (You can add the www. if you like) Please let us know if there's something you'd like to see there.

Sorry for the change in addresses, but our old web host crumbled underneath us... so we got our own domain. Standby for the email addresses to change too.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Sunday Morning Message for January 1st, 2006

"Keeping it Real" Pt. 1
Click here to download the MP3 file. It's 7.7MB and 33 min. long.

Recap of 1/1/06
1. Jesus surprises a Pharisee by not participating in the ritual washing required by the rabbis before a meal. He used this as an occasion to correct their false view of spirituality and to address the hypocrisy, greed, and self-indulgence of the Pharisees.
2. To the Pharisees (and all religionists/legalists) religion is a matter of external form and ritual rather than of the heart (the inner person).
3. It is ludicrous to cleanse the outside and not the inside. Washing the hands (the outside) did not make the heart pure (the inside).
4. The heart is where sin proceeds from (Mark 7:17-23; Matthew 15:15-20) and is not touched by ritual handwashing. True spirituality begins with the heart (and works its way out to the actions) not the hands. The heart must be guarded (Proverbs 4:23) for it is the genesis of our actions. The heart is only touched by the Spirit of God through the Word of God.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Sunday Morning Message from December 25th, 2005

Click here to download the MP3 file. It's 10.5MB and 45 min. long.