"Understanding the Spirit"
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Reference Verses:
John 14
John 16
Acts 1
John 7
I Corinthians 2
Matthew 28
II Corinthians 3
Recap of 1/15/06
1. An accurate, Biblical understanding of the Holy Spirit is vital to our spiritual lives.
2. The Holy Spirit is a person not an “it,” i.e., not a force, influence or power. The Holy Spirit:
- has personal characteristics (intellect, 1 Cor 2:10-11; emotion, Eph 4:30; and will, 1 Cor 12:11)
-does personal acts (He prays, Romans 8:26)
-is identified by masculine personal pronouns (though the word “spirit” in Greek is neuter)
-has personal relationships (as in the Godhead, Matthew 28:19,20)
-has personal reactions ascribed to Him (can be lied to, Acts 5:3)