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Recap of 4/16/06
1. The disciples were not looking for the resurrection. They didn’t understand until after Jesus was resurrected what it was that Jesus was trying to tell them (John 2:19ff; Mark 8:31; 9:9; 9:31)
2. Jesus appears physically and bodily, alive from the dead, to the 10 Apostles (minus Judas and Thomas).
3. Thomas, not present the first time Jesus appeared to the Apostles as a group, knowing that Jesus had died, sets up a test. He would not believe unless he saw Jesus bodily, especially the nail prints and hole in His side.
4. A week later Jesus appears to all eleven (Thomas present this time) and shows Thomas His hands and side. Thomas responds by believing and calling Jesus by two titles of deity, Lord and God.
5. The evidences for the resurrection include: the empty tomb, Jesus’ many appearances to more than 500 people, the change in Peter and others from being fearful and discouraged to being bold and triumphant, lack of any challenge on the Day of Pentecost (less than two months after the crucifixion and resurrection), and the change to Sunday worship.