Mother's Day
We unfortunately do not have the MP3 for this message. Below is the recap.
Recap of 5/14/06
1. Solomon deals with the threats to his kingdom (and thus a threat to God's rule).
2. Adonijah again tries to usurp the throne and is executed, ironically fulfilling David's call for a fourfold restitution from the rich man of 2 Samuel 12 (not knowing he was condemning himself). David and Bathsheba's baby died, Amnon, Absalom, and Adonijah were killed. There are consequences for sin, even forgiven sin.
3. Abiathar was removed from office, fulfilling God's Word in 1 Samuel
2:30-35 that the line of Eli the priest would be cut off.
4. Joab was called to account for the murders of Abner and Amasa. Shedding innocent blood polluted the land (Numbers 35:30-34), a stain that had to be removed.
5. Solomon deals wisely with Shimei (of the tribe of Benjamin, King Saul's
tribe) who condemned himself by treating Solomon's authority with contempt.