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Recap of 7/23/06 (1 Kings 9:1-28)
1. Chapter 9 (and 10) explains in part how Solomon went from being wholly devoted to God in chapter three to becoming labeled an idolater in chapter 11. God comes to Solomon just past the midpoint of his reign. Solomon seems to be at a spiritual crossroads, a decisive moment in his life. God comes to warn him to be faithful, to walk in His ways. It seems that Solomon, instead of listening, had a gradual spiritual decline, his heart was divided, his loyalties mixed. He did not take one giant step away from the Lord, rather his fall was in the little steps, little decisions. As it is with us.
2. God promises His watch care over His people in the phrases “My name…My eyes…My heart.” (see 2 Chronicles 16:9 as a counter for 1 Peter 5:8)
3. God uses David as an example of one who was faithful, who walked in integrity and uprightness. Though David failed morally yet because he confessed his sin (Psalms 32 & 51) and was restored by god, his love for and devotion to God is the major characteristic of his life. Solomon’s failure would be greater for he would commit spiritual adultery.