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Recap of 9/17/06 (1 Kings 11:4-13)
1. To avoid the problem of a divided heart (one not fully devoted to the Lord), we must guard our hearts through fellowship and service (see complete list below in outline) (Hebrews 10:19-25; 5:11-14)
-we have a role to play in the lives of other believers by encouraging them and challenging them on in their Christian life. We must do this in humility and grace.
-we should be growing in our own Christian lives so that we can no only be recipients of ministry but reach out in ministry to others.
-even a king needs to be open to the advice of others (Ecclesiates 4:13)
2. In spite of his great privileges from the Lord, Solomon turned away from the Lord. We also have been given great privileges and spiritual blessings from God. We must not take them for granted but respond in gratitude and obedience
-we must not be blind to our own weaknesses
-we must not assume that we cannot fall
-we must be alert to the dangers of prosperity and the tendency to forget the Lord in those times