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Recap of 11/26/06 (Psalm 107)
1. Five times in Psalm 107 the redeemed are called upon to thank the Lord for His consistent love and absolute faithfulness to His people.
2. We sometimes have trouble with thankfulness because:
-we often lack contentment (we are not satisfied with what God has provided for us or we want what someone else has, or we focus on what we do not have)
-we are overwhelmed by the concerns of the world or by worry which both crowd out thankfulness
3. The Psalmist presents four instances in which God undertakes for His people when they cry out to Him: the wanderer (who is aimless without food, water, shelter), the prisoner (who is in bondage of their own making), the sick (who through bad lifestyle choices are near death) and those who face adverse circumstances and are at the end of their ability to deal with the need. In every case when God’s people cry out to Him in prayer He delivers them. They should thank Him.
4. Because God is sovereign over nature and people, the redeemed He has the “power to change things” and has “limitless authority.” This should cause God’s people to praise Him and to be thankful.