Monday, May 14, 2007

God's Design For Marriage, Part 3

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Recap of Genesis 2:24-3:19
1. The essence of the Fall in Genesis 3 was separation. That is what death is, and the Fall brought death into the world. There is now separation and alienation where there was once harmony. Mankind is separated from God and from each other. The Fall brought about estrangement in our relationships especially that of marriage.
2. In Genesis 3:15 God promises a Redeemer, through the line of the woman, who would defeat Satan. This is called the "proto-evangelium" or "protevangelium." "The first announcement of the Gospel in the Scriptures..." (Moody Handbook of Theology"
3. Genesis 3 also contains the first act of man-made religion when Adam and Eve sought to cover their sin by using fig leaves. They thought they could cover their sin by their own works. In an act of grace God provided animal skins for their covering thus demonstration their inability to cover their own sin by human effort. It is the consistent teaching of Scripture that humans cannot atone for their own sin (Isaiah 64:6), but must accept God's provision for them by faith (Ephesians 2:8-10).
4. The Fall brought feat into relationships. Gary Smalley in The DNA of Relationships lists the following core fears: For women the fear of disconnection (not being valued), for men it is the fear of helplessness or being controlled. (See