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Recap of the 6/8/08 sermon:
1. Genesis 13 is a comparison of two ways of life; the way of faith (Abram) and the way of the sinful nature (Lot). The way of faith leads to growth, success, peace, and generosity. The way of the sinful nature leads to going away from God, failure, scheming/manipulating your way through life, and selfishness.
2. Abram’s recovery following his failure in Egypt illustrates that our God is a God of new beginnings. No matter how we have failed, a new beginning is available to us if we will confess our failure (sin) to God and accept His restoration (1 John 1:9). We will suffer the consequences of our wrong choices but God will restore us to usefulness. Peter is a prime illustration of this truth (see the aftermath of Peter’s denial of Jesus in Mark 16 and John 21).
3. Peace should always be our objective, but God can use even conflict to accomplish His purposes. A New Testament example of this principle is found in Acts 15:36-40.
Genesis 13:1-18
I. Abram returns vv. 1-4
II. Lot departs vv. 5-13
III. God speaks vv. 14-18