Monday, September 22, 2008

God's Inconvenient Leisure

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Recap of the sermon from September 21, 2008:

1. Five truths from Genesis 21:1,2 (A.W. Pink, Gleanings in Genesis)
-God is in no hurry in working out His plans
-Nothing can hinder or thwart God’s working out His plan
-God is faithful to perform what He as promised (no matter how impossible it seems to us)
-Faith is tried and tested (“A faith that is incapable of enduring trial is no faith at all.”)
-God has set a time for the accomplishing of His will and the fulfilling of His Word.
2. If you’re going through a desert time in your life (what some describe as a time of “waiting, hoping, longing”):
-take time to grow near to God, grow in grace and in the knowledge of Jesus
-give yourself to service
-keep up your daily responsibilities
-don’t withdraw, give up, or get locked in self-pity