Monday, December 07, 2009

Finishing Well (Part 3)

Click here to download the sermon file.

Recap of 12/6/09:
1. After Jacob’s death, Joseph’s brothers fear retribution by Joseph against them. Joseph answers their fears with assurance of his forgiveness and of his faith in God’s providence: “Don’t be afraid. Am I in the place of God? You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good….” (Genesis 50:19,20)
2. “What gave Joseph the grace to make this remarkable reply? There is only one answer: Joseph knew God. In particular, he knew two things about God. He knew that God is sovereign—that nothing ever comes into the life of any one of His children that He has not approved first; there are no accidents. And he knew that God is good—therefore, the things that come into our lives by God’s sovereignty are for our benefit (and for others’) and not for our harm.” (James Montgomery Boice)
3. At the heart of Joseph’s life is a profound truth, a hard truth, a sometimes incomprehensible truth: Hard things will happen to us (we live in a fallen world with fallen people like us); God is not surprised; and He is not unsympathetic. We can respond by faith or we can become bitter at God, at life, and at people.
4. Joseph illustrates some truths about forgiveness. We cannot forgive until we recognize and admit the offense against us (Joseph didn’t deny that his brothers meant to harm him); while we cling to the pain; while we look for someone to blame.