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Recap of 2/21/10:
1. The Biblical teaching about income begins with work:
-Work was a part of creation before the Fall; Adams work was his service to God; the Fall made work more difficult (Genesis 2:15; 3:17-19)
-Work brings a sense of worth, accomplishment, and dignity but should not define who we are.
-Work brings the respect of our neighbors (1 Thessalonians 4:11,12)
-The Bible warns against idleness (2 Thessalonians 3:6-12)
2. Cautions concerning work and income:
-Beware of those schemes which promise a lot of return for a little work (Proverbs 29:20,22; 12:11)
-We must work diligently, not just talk a good game, planning but never getting anything done (Proverbs 22:13; 13:23; 28:19)
-We must work when it’s time to work (Proverbs 20:4; 21:25,26; 24:30-34)
-The Bible warns against defrauding an employer of our best effort (Ephesians 6:1,2; Colossians 3:22-24; Proverbs 10:26)
-The Bible warns against taking advantage of a Christian employer because they are a brother or sister in Christ (1 Timothy 6:1,2)