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Recap of 8/1/10:
1. The practical section of the book of Ephesians begins in 4:1. As was often the case, in Paul’s letters he would deal with doctrine in the first part of the book and then with the practical outworking of that doctrine in the second half of the book.
2. The key word for the rest of the book is the word “live” or “walk.” It was Paul’s characteristic word to describe the proper conduct or manner of life of the Christian. The main topic for the rest of the book is the “worthy walk” (4:1). One who wants to walk worthy of his/her calling must walk in unity (4:1); walk in holiness (4:17); walk in love (5:2); walk in the light (5:8); walk in wisdom 5:15); and walk wary of the enemy (6:10-20).
3. A “worthy walk” is a balanced walk, balanced between what we believe and how we live. “[Paul] wanted them to ‘lead a life, literally ‘walk,’ that will do justice to the glorious calling of God in their lives. Questions of behavior are to be resolved by asking, ‘Will this act express and honor the great mission in life which God has given me?” (David George).
4. This walk and the unity of the church depends on living out four virtues: humility (freedom from putting our selves first); gentleness (strength under God’s control, not easily provoked or provoking others); patience (never giving up in the face of suffering, opposition, discouragement, or disappointment); and forbearance (accepting others in spite of their faults and idiosyncrasies).