Wednesday, June 08, 2011

The Lion Tamer

Click here to download the sermon.

Recap of the sermon from June 5, 2011 (Daniel 6:1-28)

1. Daniel 6 teaches us that when it is as bad as it can get, it’s not too bad for God to handle.

2. After God delivers Daniel from the mouths of the lions, Darius issues a proclamation with four emphases:

-Daniel’s God is a living God (in contrast to the dead idols of the pagans)

-God’s rule is indestructible and eternal (in contrast to human kingdoms which are temporal)

-God delivers His people strengthening their faith in Him. “…He intervenes in people’s affairs and delivers those who trust Him” (J. Dwight Pentecost).

-“God miraculously delivers His people, with wonders in heaven and on earth” (Gleason Archer, Jr.). “He works by miraculous power to perform His will’ (J. Dwight Pentecost)

3. Daniel 6 is:

-a call to live by faith, to live a committed life whatever the cost

-a call to trust in the power of God

-a call to live without fear, with courage

-a call to recognize we are in a vicious spiritual warfare