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Recap of 7/31/11 (Daniel 9:27-10:1)
1. Daniel 9:27 describes the seven years called Daniel’s 70th week or in other places in Scripture, the Tribulation. Sometime after the rapture and resurrection of the church (1 Corinthians 15:51ff; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18) Israel will sign a peace pact with the Antichrist (called the “little horn” in Daniel 7:8). In the middle of the seven years the Antichrist will break his covenant with Israel by putting an image in the Temple (called the Abomination which causes desolation), putting an end to the sacrificial system and organized worship. He will receive worship (2 Thessalonians 2:4; Revelation 11:1,2; 13:8). Jesus, in Matthew 24:15,29,30, places these events of Daniel 9:27 at the time of His second coming.
2. The Antichrist will come to the end appointed him by God, being cast into the Lake of Fire along with the False Prophet (Revelation 19:20). “Men are free to make decisions and even rebel against God if they want to, but He will accomplish His purposes in the world. With confidence you can pray, ‘Thy Kingdom come!’” (Warren Wiersbe)
3. Just as the events of the first 69 weeks (483 years) of Daniel 9 were fulfilled completely so we would expect that the 70th week (7 years) will be also.
4. Daniel 10 introduces the last prophecy of the book of Daniel which will cover chapters 10-12. It unveils a fascinating and sober view of the warfare that is going on all the time in the realm of the spiritual (the realm that is real though beyond our five senses).