of 7/1/12 (John 10:22-30):
1. The setting for John 10:22-42 is the Feast of
Dedication, today called Hanukkah or the Feast of Lights. It was not one of the Old Testament festivals
but was as one writer said: “…a minor, more recent celebration.” It was established in 165/164 B.C. by Judas
Maccabeus in honor of the rededication of the Temple which had been desecrated
by Antiochus IV Epiphanes who sacrificed a pig on the altar in 168 B.C.
2. The religious leaders once again challenge
Jesus about His identity. The issue for
them was not the need of more information but rather they were unwilling to
believe and were just trying to trap Him.
Concerning the nature of their unbelief, Mitchell writes: “We begin to
wonder about these enemies of Christ.
With all the evidence He’s presented to them, what more do they want? They have seen His spectacular miracles. They have seen Him heal the sick, open the
eyes of the blind, and feed the hungry.
What more do they want? When a
person is full of unbelief it doesn’t matter what you do. They won’t accept the Savior.” “We should…consider what this section teaches
as to the moral element in faith and unbelief.
It is always a matter of the heart and will, quite as much as the
mind. Men do not believe because they do
not desire to believe. The same
testimony makes true disciples and deadly enemies.” (Erdman)
3. Jesus offers eternal life to those who put
their faith in Him. Life which is not
just duration of time but is a quality of life Jesus describes as “abundant.” It is not something that is given to
believers in the future but it is their present possession. It cannot be lost for it is secured by the
Father and the Son (Romans 8:28-39).