of 9/16/12 (John
1. John 13 begins the next major section of the
book. The outline we are following is:
I. Prologue 1:1-18
Public teaching and miracles
Passion & resurrection 18-20
Postlude (Epilogue) 21
2. John 13 provides one of the most poignant
pictures of Jesus’ ministry as He washes the disciples’ feet. One of the most powerful symbols of His
authority is seen in the towel, the basin, and dirty feet.
3. This visual illustration of humility was
needed because of the pride of the disciples seen in their ongoing dispute over
which of them was the greatest. A
dispute which is evident in various passages of Scripture and which even
inserted itself into this “last supper.”
(See Matthew 20:17-28; Mark 9:33-34; Luke 22:24-28).
4. Jesus loved them despite their failures. Dr. John Mitchell stated it this way: “He knew all about the frailty and the
failures of His disciples, yet He loved them to the end. And He loves us clear through to the end, to
the uttermost. I repeat, our frailty,
our faults, our failures, our circumstances never affect His love for us. Now, I’m not excusing frailty, nor am I
excusing failure. But instead of
becoming discouraged because of failure, we must have our eyes on Him and
remember that even our failures have not affected His love for us.”
5. The issue is clearly set before us by the
writer who asked: “Are you willing to
follow Christ’s example of serving? Whom
can you serve today?”