Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Do's and Dont's for Troubled Hearts

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John 13:36-14:6

Recap of 10/28/12 (John 13:36-38):

1.  The disciples in John 13ff were bewildered, fearful, facing an uncertain future.  Jesus’ announcements to them about His going away, His impending death, that one of the 12 was a traitor sent them into a tailspin.  Further, He told them that Peter would disown Him, that Satan wanted to “sift” them, and that they would all fall away.  In the words of Bruce Wilkinson and Ken Boa: “In this clear and vivid recollection of Jesus’ last discourse to His intimate disciples, John captures the Lord’s words of comfort and assurance to a group of fearful and confused followers.”

2.  Jesus’ instructions to the disciples provide us with a roadmap for dealing with life’s uncertainties. 

3.  First, we must not trust in our own strength. That was Peter’s failure.  

-we must know ourselves, our weaknesses, our breaking point, we must not ignore them.

-we must set boundaries for protection

-we are all one bad decision from failing as Peter did

-“Impetuous and well-meaning, Peter had to learn the hard way to gauge his weaknesses.  His example is very human and therefore very helpful.” (Merrill Unger)

4.  Second, we must not underestimate Satan and his designs on us:

-we must be alert, 1 Peter 5:8 (to sin, to anger, to doubting God and His Word)

-we must be clothed in God’s armor, Ephesians 6:13-18

-we must train vigorously, Romans 12:2; 2 Corinthians 10:3-5; Philippians 4:8

-we must not neglect the spiritual disciplines (the Word, meditating, praying, etc.).  To neglect the spiritual disciplines is to show confidence in the flesh, handling life’s uncertainties without God.