of 11/11/12
(John 14:6):
1. Christianity
is not a religion or philosophy but a relationship. The answer to life and
death issues is not a formula or a philosophy but a relationship with Jesus
Christ. Jesus is the “way, the truth,
and the life.”
2. The way to Heaven, the way to a relationship
with God the Father is to follow Jesus.
He takes us there. Jesus does not
just know the way, He is the way.
3. Jesus is the truth. He didn’t just know truth-He embodied it.
4. “No teacher has ever embodied the truth he
taught—except Jesus. Many a man could
say: ‘I have taught you the truth.’ Only
Jesus could say: ‘I am the Truth.’” (William Barclay)
5. Jesus is also the “life.” Jesus brings life worth living. All other things we live for must ultimately
disappoint and leave us dissatisfied or grasping for more and more, things such
as pleasure, power, money, material, etc.
6. Jesus claimed to be the only way to God, not
one of many ways but the only way. This
truth is taught through-out the Scripture (see Acts 4:12 ; 1 Timothy 2:5).