of 12/9/12 (John 14:17 ):
Jesus’ life on earth, He was His disciples’ ally, advocate, counselor,
strengthener, and supporter. When Jesus
returned to the Father, He sent the Spirit to fill those roles (John 14:16 ). The Spirit:
-reveals to
us who Jesus is and what He wants us to know;
believers and unbelievers of guilt;
-unites us
to Jesus in rebirth so that we are lims of His Body and sharers in His Kingdom;
believers that we are God’s children and heirs;
our intimate sharing with the Father and the son, our first installment and
guarantee of Heaven’s life;
us progressively through prayer and conflict with sin into Christ’s moral and
spiritual likeness’—He gives us the power to love, to have joy and peace, etc.
(Galatians 5:22-23);
-gives gifts
(abilities to witness and serve) to build up Christ’s Body;
-prays in
and for us when we feel unable;
-enables us
to know what to say when others ask about Christ;
missionary action, pastoral decisions, and leadership.”
(see John 14:15 -27; 15:26-16:16 ; 20:19 -23; Romans 8:1-27; 1 Corinthians 12:1-14:40)
(from A Compact Guide to the Christian Life
by K.C. Hinckley)