of 1/13/13 (John
1. In John 15
Jesus urges His disciples to be fruitful, productive by abiding in Him. The words fruit (or fruitful) and abiding (or
remaining) are key words in this passage.
Fruitfulness is the normal Christian life. To abide in Jesus is to have
a close intimate relationship with Him.
As Oswald Chambers has said: “The dominant trait of a true saint is a
personal, passionate, and overwhelming devotion to the Lord Jesus Christ.”
(Devotions for a Deeper Life)
2. Several
scholars point out that three vital relationships can be discerned in this
passage: a relationship with Jesus (vv.
1-11); a relationship with others in Christ (vv. 12-17); and a relationship
with the world (15:17 -16:4).
3. Fruitfulness or
fruit-bearing will be seen in the Christian life in practical holiness (the
“beauty and character of God displayed on our daily lives”) and Christian
character (Galatians 5:22.23; 2 Peter 1:5-8).
The outworking of that fruit will be seen in sharing our material blessings
with other, in doing good works as a response to salvation (not to earn
salvation), praising and thankfulness to God, and witnessing to others.
4. “The closer you
walk with Him and stay near Him, the more evident will be the luscious
fruits. …You won’t be looking at
yourself and saying, ‘I wonder if I have any fruit?’ You won’t even be thinking
about the fruit. You won’t be thinking
about anything else but Him. If your
life is controlled by Him, you will automatically bear fruit on the job, in the
factory, in the office, in the shop, washing your dishes at home, taking care
of the children.” (Dr. John Mitchell)