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Recap of 4/20/08
1. We need fellowship with other Christians (source: A Compact Guide to the Christian Life)
-to help us grow more like Christ (Christlike character traits are formed in relationships)
-to help us testify to the truth of the gospel (John 13:34,35)
-to help us do the work of the Kingdom (our gifts complement other’s gifts in the Body)
-to worship with us (“… [God] can be adequately worshipped only by a gathered community of His people”)
-to be Christ for us (though God loves us, there are times we need “love with skin on”)
-to help keep us on track (about what the Word says)
-to help us surrender to God
2. Rather than focus on our limitations, we must creatively approach life.
3. Creativity is not a question of whether I am or am not a creative person, it’s a question of how much of my creativity am I using? We must read, grow, take on new challenges. Creativity is a matter of resources/information, attitude, experimentation, variety, wisdom, and time.