Wednesday, April 30, 2008

How to Maintain Your Spiritual Edge, Part 13

Click here to download the sermon file.

Recap of 4/27/08
1. Gordon MacDonald defines meditation as “ruminating over spiritual food” or as Selwyn Hughes says, “when a Christian takes a text or phrase from Scripture and turns it over and over in his mind, the truth that is contained in that Scripture is fed into his spiritual digestive system and soon becomes part of his personality.”
2. The Navigators 2:7 series suggests the following six methods of meditation over Scripture:
-Paraphrase, put the passage into your own words
- Questions, ask questions about the verse, who, what, when, where, why, how, or random questions
-Prayer, pray about each phrase or thought in the passage, about it’s implications
-Emphasis, emphasize different words or phrases each time you say the verse
-Cross-reference, find other verses which express the same concept as your passage
-Application, apply the truth of the passage to your life in specific, positive steps