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Recap of 1/24/10:
1. Jesus’ desire to reach out to the hopeless, to sinners, brought Him into opposition with the religious leaders who had nothing but contempt for them. Jesus’ mission was to reach out to the lost (Luke 5:27-32; 19:10).
2. Jesus told three parables to refute the attitude of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law and to show God’s concern for the salvation of sinners; He told the parables of the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost son.
3. God is the shepherd who looks for lost sheep; the creator whose image is stamped upon human being; and the father who waits and looks for the return of his lost son. The religious leaders in their self-righteousness didn’t see themselves as in need of salvation
4. “Jesus always saw the potential in people. The sheep could be brought back to the flock and bring joy to the shepherd; the coin could be found; and the son could return home and lovingly serve his father. There is hope for every sinner because Jesus welcomes everyone.” (Warren Wiersbe)