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Recap of 1/10/10:
1. Jesus observes guests jockeying for positions of honor at a dinner given by a prominent Pharisee and takes the occasion to teach about the need for humility and the dangers of pride.
2. Pride is the “essential vice, the utmost evil,” according to C.S. Lewis in Mere Christianity; more deadly than “unchastity, anger, greed, drunkenness” which Lewis calls “mere fleabites” by comparison. Competition is at the heart of pride.
3. Humility is not thinking lowly of ourselves or putting ourselves down. Humility is taking a genuine interest in other people, not always focusing on ourselves.
4. The costs of pride are: it separates us from God (James 4:6; Proverbs 3:34); it separates us from other people; it keeps us from spiritual growth; it keeps us from emotional growth; and it keeps us from contentment.