Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Christian Home, Part 8

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Recap of the January 16th sermon from Ephesians 6:1-4:

1. Paul instructs Christian parents to provide for their children’s physical and spiritual needs. We do this by “training” (“education by discipline,” this is corrective) and by “instruction” (“education by instruction,” this is preventive).

2. “…, since children, and especially young children, can scarcely be expected to have the sophistication necessary for recognizing the long-range benefits of present obedience, it is up to loving parents to ensure that their children learn obedience early. This is not an easy task, but its neglect is a terrible disservice to a child and will reap misery upon him or her in future years.” (Richard J. Erickson)

3. Principles of discipline:

-the Bible warns against passive parenting (Proverbs 13:24; 19:18; 22:15; 23:13,14; 29:15,17)

- discipline involves: training & guidance; and correction (verbal and physical, i.e. spanking)

-the limits of discipline: it should not be harsh or inconsistent

-our example in discipline is God the Father (Hebrews 12:5-11)

-the benefits of discipline are, generally speaking, that disciplining our children when they are young will produce a disciplined, godly life when they are adults.

-the goal of discipline: we discipline our children to shape their will, counter their sin nature, to save them from death, and to lead them to Christ.