Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Christian on the Job

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Recap of January 30, 2011 (Ephesians 6:5-6)

1. In Ephesians 6:5-9 Paul dealt with what the control of the Holy Spirit would look like in those who worked under the authority of others (as in slaves of his day); and in those who were in authority over others (as in masters of his day). As observed by Dr. Alfred Martin: “The principles apply to any kind of employees and employers.”

2. The New Testament approach to slavery and other social ills of that day are instructive for us today in our response to social/cultural issues. Dr. Wm. Erdman says: “It is instructive to note how Christianity dealt with slavery, the most iniquitous institution of man. In the days of Paul it was universally accepted and approved by the most advanced civilization of the world. Furthermore, it was attended by abuses and abominations too revolting to detail. However, Christ and His followers attempted no political or social revolution; they led no armed revolt; they did not encourage disloyalty or lawlessness. What they did was to undermine the institution of slavery by advocating the principles of Christ. The gospel proved to be a proclamation of emancipation. Slavery must ultimately disappear when men accept the doctrines of human equality and spiritual brotherhood and the Lordship of Christ.” Dr. Warren Wiersbe concurs: “Nowhere in the New Testament is slavery per se attacked or condemned, although the overall thrust of the Gospel is against it. Paul’s ministry was not to overthrow the Roman government or any of its institutions, but to preach the Gospel and win the lost to Christ.”