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Recap of February 6, 2011 (Ephesians 6:6-8)
1. Paul instructs those who are under the authority of others (slaves in the Biblical context – applied to employees today) that there are seven aspects to the kind of work that pleases God, we are to: respect those in authority over us (vs. 5); fear dishonoring Christ (vs. 5); be loyal not hypocritical (vs. 5); remember our ultimate master is Jesus Christ, we serve him by submitting to the authority over us on the job (vs. 5); be consistent, work when the boss is watching and when they are not (vs. 6); serve with our whole being, not just going through the motions (vs. 6); and serve with enthusiasm, not under compulsion (vs. 7).
2. The motivation for our faithfulness on the job is that Jesus will reward us in eternity. All believers will appear before the Judgment Seat of Christ (the Bema). This judgment is not for salvation, all there are already secure in their salvation, it is to evaluate the way we used the opportunities God gave us; and the attitude and motivation with which we served Him. (Romans 14:12; 2 Corinthians 5:10; 1 Corinthians 3:11-16; 4:5)
3. Eight principles of work from Ephesians 6:5-8: Keep an eternal perspective, ultimately we work for God and will be rewarded by Him; follow the example of Jesus, His servanthood, the way He endured mistreatment and injustice; show initiative; do more than those around you; be Christian where you are; serve Christian employers even more faithfully (1 Timothy 6:1,2); witness on the job by the quality of your work and your work habits; and have a good attitude and lead others in a good attitude.