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Recap of 12-31-06 (1 Kings 16:29-17:1)
1. God raised up the prophet Elijah in a time of great spiritual darkness in the Northern Kingdom.
2. Israel’s falling away had reached a new low under Ahab, son of Omri. Through his marriage to Jezebel, Baal worship was brought into the Northern Kingdom on a major scale. Ahab turned to Baal and tried to make it the official religion of Israel, erecting a temple to Baal and setting up an Asherah pole. He led Israel into greater sin than any king before him. Baal was considered to be a rain/storm god, appealing to a people who depended upon agriculture. Add to that the base nature of Baal/Asherah worship and the people of God embraced this false worship.
3. Into this setting God sends one man to confront the sin of His people, the prophet Elijah. Elijah was an ordinary person, not unlike us (James 5:17), upon whom God knew He could rely. Because Elijah knew the Word of God and the God of the Word he announced a drought upon the land.4. Prayer challenge for 2007: “What do you want me to do Lord? And how am I to accomplish it?”
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Christmas Questions
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Recap of 12-24-06 (John 1:1-18)
1. The Apostle John begins his gospel with a prologue in which he introduces the themes of the book. He argues for the full deity and true humanity of Jesus Christ. He is the God-man. We won’t understand Jesus’ teaching and His works without understanding who He is.
2. John supports the deity of Jesus Christ by emphasizing that He is pre-existent (He existed before anything was), that He was face-to-face with God the Father in eternity, that He had a role in creation, and that He was the giver of life and light. This One became flesh (vs. 14)
3. John’s claims are backed up by eyewitness accounts, those who knew Jesus, heard His words, saw His works.4. Those who received Jesus (i.e. believed in Him) were born-again supernaturally and made a part of God’s family.
Recap of 12-24-06 (John 1:1-18)
1. The Apostle John begins his gospel with a prologue in which he introduces the themes of the book. He argues for the full deity and true humanity of Jesus Christ. He is the God-man. We won’t understand Jesus’ teaching and His works without understanding who He is.
2. John supports the deity of Jesus Christ by emphasizing that He is pre-existent (He existed before anything was), that He was face-to-face with God the Father in eternity, that He had a role in creation, and that He was the giver of life and light. This One became flesh (vs. 14)
3. John’s claims are backed up by eyewitness accounts, those who knew Jesus, heard His words, saw His works.4. Those who received Jesus (i.e. believed in Him) were born-again supernaturally and made a part of God’s family.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Life Without God
The audio file is not available for this sermon. Please review the recap below.
Recap of 12-17-06 (1 Kings 15:25-16:28)
1. The Northern Kingdom was characterized by instability, murder, pride, ambition, conflict, drunkenness, and suicide. Every king was evil in that they continued the ways of idolatry and false worship. In God’s eyes they excelled only in evil, no matter how much the world looked upon them as successes. When people reject God they forfeit real peace and stability.
2. God sent prophets to call them back from their evil ways yet they persisted in going the way of death. God takes no delight in the death of the wicked. His patience, sometimes taken as inability to act, is meant to bring people to Himself (2 Peter 3:9).
3. Pride is the tendency to take credit for what God has done. God’s people should take pride in their relationship with Him, recognizing that all we are and have is from God. 1 Corinthians 1:26-31; 4:7; Jeremiah 9:23,24
Recap of 12-17-06 (1 Kings 15:25-16:28)
1. The Northern Kingdom was characterized by instability, murder, pride, ambition, conflict, drunkenness, and suicide. Every king was evil in that they continued the ways of idolatry and false worship. In God’s eyes they excelled only in evil, no matter how much the world looked upon them as successes. When people reject God they forfeit real peace and stability.
2. God sent prophets to call them back from their evil ways yet they persisted in going the way of death. God takes no delight in the death of the wicked. His patience, sometimes taken as inability to act, is meant to bring people to Himself (2 Peter 3:9).
3. Pride is the tendency to take credit for what God has done. God’s people should take pride in their relationship with Him, recognizing that all we are and have is from God. 1 Corinthians 1:26-31; 4:7; Jeremiah 9:23,24
Sunday, December 10, 2006
When Victory is Not Victory
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Recap of 12/10/06 (1 Kings 15:9-24)
If we are to be fruitful and victorious in our spiritual life, we must:
-put away the idols in our lives (the things which belie our allegiance to God above all, the things which do not belong in the life of a believer)
-live by faith, with real dependence upon God, not just lip-service
-seek to know God through His Word
-separate from the destructive forces in our lives
-be vigilant, careful about becoming self-sufficient and prideful, forgetting God-be responsive to the promptings of the Lord, confess sin
Recap of 12/10/06 (1 Kings 15:9-24)
If we are to be fruitful and victorious in our spiritual life, we must:
-put away the idols in our lives (the things which belie our allegiance to God above all, the things which do not belong in the life of a believer)
-live by faith, with real dependence upon God, not just lip-service
-seek to know God through His Word
-separate from the destructive forces in our lives
-be vigilant, careful about becoming self-sufficient and prideful, forgetting God-be responsive to the promptings of the Lord, confess sin
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Our Legacy, Part 2
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Recap of 12/3/06 (1 Kings 15:1-8)
How can we train our children and meet Biblical goals? (source: A Compact Guide to the Christian Life by K.C. Hinckley)
-give a lot of affection
-by our example
-use verbal teaching (Deuteronomy 6:7-9)
-be consistent in discipline
-involve our children in our goals
-be united as parents in our discipline and goals
-seek support from other Christians-take the long-range view (Proverbs 22:6)
Recap of 12/3/06 (1 Kings 15:1-8)
How can we train our children and meet Biblical goals? (source: A Compact Guide to the Christian Life by K.C. Hinckley)
-give a lot of affection
-by our example
-use verbal teaching (Deuteronomy 6:7-9)
-be consistent in discipline
-involve our children in our goals
-be united as parents in our discipline and goals
-seek support from other Christians-take the long-range view (Proverbs 22:6)
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Giving Thanks
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Recap of 11/26/06 (Psalm 107)
1. Five times in Psalm 107 the redeemed are called upon to thank the Lord for His consistent love and absolute faithfulness to His people.
2. We sometimes have trouble with thankfulness because:
-we often lack contentment (we are not satisfied with what God has provided for us or we want what someone else has, or we focus on what we do not have)
-we are overwhelmed by the concerns of the world or by worry which both crowd out thankfulness
3. The Psalmist presents four instances in which God undertakes for His people when they cry out to Him: the wanderer (who is aimless without food, water, shelter), the prisoner (who is in bondage of their own making), the sick (who through bad lifestyle choices are near death) and those who face adverse circumstances and are at the end of their ability to deal with the need. In every case when God’s people cry out to Him in prayer He delivers them. They should thank Him.
4. Because God is sovereign over nature and people, the redeemed He has the “power to change things” and has “limitless authority.” This should cause God’s people to praise Him and to be thankful.
Recap of 11/26/06 (Psalm 107)
1. Five times in Psalm 107 the redeemed are called upon to thank the Lord for His consistent love and absolute faithfulness to His people.
2. We sometimes have trouble with thankfulness because:
-we often lack contentment (we are not satisfied with what God has provided for us or we want what someone else has, or we focus on what we do not have)
-we are overwhelmed by the concerns of the world or by worry which both crowd out thankfulness
3. The Psalmist presents four instances in which God undertakes for His people when they cry out to Him: the wanderer (who is aimless without food, water, shelter), the prisoner (who is in bondage of their own making), the sick (who through bad lifestyle choices are near death) and those who face adverse circumstances and are at the end of their ability to deal with the need. In every case when God’s people cry out to Him in prayer He delivers them. They should thank Him.
4. Because God is sovereign over nature and people, the redeemed He has the “power to change things” and has “limitless authority.” This should cause God’s people to praise Him and to be thankful.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Our Legacy
The audio file is not available for this sermon. Please review the recap below.
Recap of 11/19/06 (1 Kings 15:1-5)
10 Commandments for Effective Fathers (source: God’s Little Devotional Book for Dads)
-spend time with your children
-let your children know often that you love them just the way they are
-discipline your children when they need it
-pray with and for you children regularly
-always be honest with your children
-love your children’s mother
-take time to listen to your children
-encourage your children often
-celebrate your children’s achievements
-be flexible with your children
Recap of 11/19/06 (1 Kings 15:1-5)
10 Commandments for Effective Fathers (source: God’s Little Devotional Book for Dads)
-spend time with your children
-let your children know often that you love them just the way they are
-discipline your children when they need it
-pray with and for you children regularly
-always be honest with your children
-love your children’s mother
-take time to listen to your children
-encourage your children often
-celebrate your children’s achievements
-be flexible with your children
Sunday, November 12, 2006
God's Jealousy
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Recap of 11/12/06 (1 Kings 14:21-31; 2 Chronicles 11:5-12:16)
1. When we choose to live and worship in a way disloyal to God He sees it as a betrayal of His love for He is a jealous God. In the Old Testament Israel is seen as married to God. In the New Testament the church is the Bride of Christ. When we live for the world’s values, God sees this as adultery against Him. (James 4:4; 1 Corinthians 10:22)
2. Israel was to be a light to the nations, bringing God’s light to the darkness of licentious, immoral idol worship, worship which included human sacrifice. Instead of bringing light to the world, Israel embraced the darkness of the gentile world and was indistinguishable from the heathen nations around it. The church today is to be a light to the world bringing the truth of the gospel to the nonbelievers around us and yet too often we, like Israel of old, are more influenced by the darkness than we are influencers with the light. Our values, our lifestyles, our morality is often no better than the world around us.
3. Rehoboam’s sin brought God’s judgment upon Judah in the form of invasion by the Pharoah:
-believers cannot sin with impunity
-sin caused God to withdraw His protection from Judah
-sin cost them their freedom-sin cost them what was precious, only to be replaced by a cheap substitute, an ever present reminder of their failure.
Recap of 11/12/06 (1 Kings 14:21-31; 2 Chronicles 11:5-12:16)
1. When we choose to live and worship in a way disloyal to God He sees it as a betrayal of His love for He is a jealous God. In the Old Testament Israel is seen as married to God. In the New Testament the church is the Bride of Christ. When we live for the world’s values, God sees this as adultery against Him. (James 4:4; 1 Corinthians 10:22)
2. Israel was to be a light to the nations, bringing God’s light to the darkness of licentious, immoral idol worship, worship which included human sacrifice. Instead of bringing light to the world, Israel embraced the darkness of the gentile world and was indistinguishable from the heathen nations around it. The church today is to be a light to the world bringing the truth of the gospel to the nonbelievers around us and yet too often we, like Israel of old, are more influenced by the darkness than we are influencers with the light. Our values, our lifestyles, our morality is often no better than the world around us.
3. Rehoboam’s sin brought God’s judgment upon Judah in the form of invasion by the Pharoah:
-believers cannot sin with impunity
-sin caused God to withdraw His protection from Judah
-sin cost them their freedom-sin cost them what was precious, only to be replaced by a cheap substitute, an ever present reminder of their failure.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
When God Speaks, Part 2
Click here to download the sermon file.
Recap of 10/29/06 (1 Kings 13:11-34)
1. If we expect the people around us to take the Word of God seriously, we must take the Word of God seriously.
2. When Satan cannot deter us from the will of God by evil, he will come as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:13-15)
3. Very often the greatest time of testing for us is after a great victory or successful ministry.
4. We must wary of those who would tell us what God’s will is for our lives.
5. It’s dangerous to follow those who speak for God but do not know Him, who purport to know His will but do not follow Him.
6. To defy the Word of God is serious business.
Recap of 10/29/06 (1 Kings 13:11-34)
1. If we expect the people around us to take the Word of God seriously, we must take the Word of God seriously.
2. When Satan cannot deter us from the will of God by evil, he will come as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:13-15)
3. Very often the greatest time of testing for us is after a great victory or successful ministry.
4. We must wary of those who would tell us what God’s will is for our lives.
5. It’s dangerous to follow those who speak for God but do not know Him, who purport to know His will but do not follow Him.
6. To defy the Word of God is serious business.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
When God Speaks
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Recap of 10/22/06 (1 Kings 13:1-10)
1. Worship that God accepts must be “in spirit and in truth.” (John 4:24)
-because God is spirit worship is not tied to a certain place at a certain time, worship occurs as our human spirit responds to God’s Spirit (that is, not in external forms, but from the inside out)
-to worship “in spirit” we must be saved, yielded to the Holy Spirit, having our minds renewed and centered on God’s Word, and having confessed our sin to God.
-to worship “in truth” we must not just respond to God emotionally or ritually but must respond to His truth. Thus, knowing the Word is essential to worshipping God.
2. God, through the young “man of God” announces judgment upon Jeroboam‘s altar, with its false worship. Despite the sign of the altar being split and the ashes of the sacrifices falling out and the miraculous healing of Jeroboam’s paralyzed hand, he does not respond positively to God’s word.
3. Jeroboam continues to be unconcerned about his spiritual condition. Miracles of themselves do not produce conviction or faith. Miracles are not necessary for evangelism. (Luke 16:25ff)
Recap of 10/22/06 (1 Kings 13:1-10)
1. Worship that God accepts must be “in spirit and in truth.” (John 4:24)
-because God is spirit worship is not tied to a certain place at a certain time, worship occurs as our human spirit responds to God’s Spirit (that is, not in external forms, but from the inside out)
-to worship “in spirit” we must be saved, yielded to the Holy Spirit, having our minds renewed and centered on God’s Word, and having confessed our sin to God.
-to worship “in truth” we must not just respond to God emotionally or ritually but must respond to His truth. Thus, knowing the Word is essential to worshipping God.
2. God, through the young “man of God” announces judgment upon Jeroboam‘s altar, with its false worship. Despite the sign of the altar being split and the ashes of the sacrifices falling out and the miraculous healing of Jeroboam’s paralyzed hand, he does not respond positively to God’s word.
3. Jeroboam continues to be unconcerned about his spiritual condition. Miracles of themselves do not produce conviction or faith. Miracles are not necessary for evangelism. (Luke 16:25ff)
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Wasted Opportunities, Pt 2
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Recap of 10/15/06 (1 Kings 12:15-33)
1. Jereboam did not believe God’s promise to him in I Kings 11:37,38 and it led to fear for his kingdom and his life.
2. When there is fear in our lives it is an indication of something we do not believe about God.
3. Fear led to greater sin for Jereboam in that he set up alternative worship for the people of Israel to keep them from going to Jerusalem to worship God in the way He prescribed. This led to idolatry among the people of God.
4. When we worship God our worship must be acceptable to Him. Unacceptable worship is:
-to just go through the motions
-to treat God as a good luck charm
-to worship without obedience to His revelation in His Word
-to worship the wrong things, such as material objects, possessions, wealth.
Recap of 10/15/06 (1 Kings 12:15-33)
1. Jereboam did not believe God’s promise to him in I Kings 11:37,38 and it led to fear for his kingdom and his life.
2. When there is fear in our lives it is an indication of something we do not believe about God.
3. Fear led to greater sin for Jereboam in that he set up alternative worship for the people of Israel to keep them from going to Jerusalem to worship God in the way He prescribed. This led to idolatry among the people of God.
4. When we worship God our worship must be acceptable to Him. Unacceptable worship is:
-to just go through the motions
-to treat God as a good luck charm
-to worship without obedience to His revelation in His Word
-to worship the wrong things, such as material objects, possessions, wealth.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Wasted Opportunities
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Recap of 10/8/-6 (1 Kings 12:12-14)
1. Two styles of leadership emerge in 1 Kings 12, servant-leadership and authoritarian leadership.
2. Jesus taught that a leader leads by serving (Matthew 20:20-28; Mark 10:42-45) and that a leader lessens the burdens of others and doesn’t make them greater (Matthew 11:28-30; 23:1-4).
3. Jesus exemplified servant leadership: in His coming to earth as a servant (Philippians 2:1-13) and in His actions (John 13:1-17; Luke 22:24-27)
4. Servant leadership builds people up, it doesn’t use them.
5. Servant leaders lead by example, serving not being served.
Recap of 10/8/-6 (1 Kings 12:12-14)
1. Two styles of leadership emerge in 1 Kings 12, servant-leadership and authoritarian leadership.
2. Jesus taught that a leader leads by serving (Matthew 20:20-28; Mark 10:42-45) and that a leader lessens the burdens of others and doesn’t make them greater (Matthew 11:28-30; 23:1-4).
3. Jesus exemplified servant leadership: in His coming to earth as a servant (Philippians 2:1-13) and in His actions (John 13:1-17; Luke 22:24-27)
4. Servant leadership builds people up, it doesn’t use them.
5. Servant leaders lead by example, serving not being served.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
The Unguarded Heart, Pt 7
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Recap of 9/24/06 (1 Kings 11:14-43)
1. God had warned Solomon that the consequence of his disobedience would be discipline.
2. God uses three enemies of Solomon to discipline him, two are from outside Israel and one from within.
3. When we sin, when our hearts are divided toward God:
-we open ourselves to God’s discipline
-we weaken ourselves against our adversaries (the world , the flesh, Satan)
-we should regard discipline not as a bad thing but as a wake-up call to return to God
4. God disciplines those He loves (Hebrews 12:4-11), that He might produce righteous living in them.
5. Solomon life is a cautionary tale to us in at least three ways
-we must watch what we set our affections upon, what we give ourselves to
-we must make good choices, for choices have consequences
-we must make the most of the opportunities and gifts that God gives us, using them for His glory and purposes
Recap of 9/24/06 (1 Kings 11:14-43)
1. God had warned Solomon that the consequence of his disobedience would be discipline.
2. God uses three enemies of Solomon to discipline him, two are from outside Israel and one from within.
3. When we sin, when our hearts are divided toward God:
-we open ourselves to God’s discipline
-we weaken ourselves against our adversaries (the world , the flesh, Satan)
-we should regard discipline not as a bad thing but as a wake-up call to return to God
4. God disciplines those He loves (Hebrews 12:4-11), that He might produce righteous living in them.
5. Solomon life is a cautionary tale to us in at least three ways
-we must watch what we set our affections upon, what we give ourselves to
-we must make good choices, for choices have consequences
-we must make the most of the opportunities and gifts that God gives us, using them for His glory and purposes
Sunday, September 17, 2006
The Unguarded Heart, Pt 6
Click here to download the sermon file.
Recap of 9/17/06 (1 Kings 11:4-13)
1. To avoid the problem of a divided heart (one not fully devoted to the Lord), we must guard our hearts through fellowship and service (see complete list below in outline) (Hebrews 10:19-25; 5:11-14)
-we have a role to play in the lives of other believers by encouraging them and challenging them on in their Christian life. We must do this in humility and grace.
-we should be growing in our own Christian lives so that we can no only be recipients of ministry but reach out in ministry to others.
-even a king needs to be open to the advice of others (Ecclesiates 4:13)
2. In spite of his great privileges from the Lord, Solomon turned away from the Lord. We also have been given great privileges and spiritual blessings from God. We must not take them for granted but respond in gratitude and obedience
-we must not be blind to our own weaknesses
-we must not assume that we cannot fall
-we must be alert to the dangers of prosperity and the tendency to forget the Lord in those times
Recap of 9/17/06 (1 Kings 11:4-13)
1. To avoid the problem of a divided heart (one not fully devoted to the Lord), we must guard our hearts through fellowship and service (see complete list below in outline) (Hebrews 10:19-25; 5:11-14)
-we have a role to play in the lives of other believers by encouraging them and challenging them on in their Christian life. We must do this in humility and grace.
-we should be growing in our own Christian lives so that we can no only be recipients of ministry but reach out in ministry to others.
-even a king needs to be open to the advice of others (Ecclesiates 4:13)
2. In spite of his great privileges from the Lord, Solomon turned away from the Lord. We also have been given great privileges and spiritual blessings from God. We must not take them for granted but respond in gratitude and obedience
-we must not be blind to our own weaknesses
-we must not assume that we cannot fall
-we must be alert to the dangers of prosperity and the tendency to forget the Lord in those times
Sunday, September 10, 2006
The Unguarded Heart, Pt 5
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Recap of 9/10/06 (1 Kings 11:4-9)
1. We must guard our hearts against Satan, particularly his schemes, his tricks, his strategies. Ephesians 6:10-20; Matthew 4:1-11; 2 Corinthians 11:13-15)
2. He will seek to deter us from God’s will and way by tempting us:
-to fulfill legitimate needs in illegitimate ways
-to not trust God or to put God to the test
-by offering us worldly success, acclaim, fortune
3. Satan will even use the Word of God and righteousness, twisting them to suit his purposes.
4. We must guard our hearts through sound doctrine. 2 Timothy 1:13; Titus 2:1
Recap of 9/10/06 (1 Kings 11:4-9)
1. We must guard our hearts against Satan, particularly his schemes, his tricks, his strategies. Ephesians 6:10-20; Matthew 4:1-11; 2 Corinthians 11:13-15)
2. He will seek to deter us from God’s will and way by tempting us:
-to fulfill legitimate needs in illegitimate ways
-to not trust God or to put God to the test
-by offering us worldly success, acclaim, fortune
3. Satan will even use the Word of God and righteousness, twisting them to suit his purposes.
4. We must guard our hearts through sound doctrine. 2 Timothy 1:13; Titus 2:1
Sunday, September 03, 2006
The Unguarded Heart, Pt 4
Click here to download the sermon file.
Recap of 9/3/06 (1 Kings 11:4-9)
1. We must guard our hearts against the world/worldliness (1 John 2:15-17; Titus 2:11-14; Galatians 1:4).
2. Definition: “Worldliness … is generally an attitude or a frame of mind that leaves out the spiritual dimension and concentrates, beyond the proper boundaries, on temporal things.“ (Harold Lindsell)
3. “Don’t love the world’s ways. Don’t love the world’s goods. Love of the world squeezes out love for the Father. Practically everything that goes on in the world-wanting your own way, wanting everything for yourself, wanting to appear important-has nothing to do with the Father.” (I John 2:12-17, The Message)
4. The answer to worldliness is to renew our minds by the Word of God and by prayer (Romans 12:1,2)
Recap of 9/3/06 (1 Kings 11:4-9)
1. We must guard our hearts against the world/worldliness (1 John 2:15-17; Titus 2:11-14; Galatians 1:4).
2. Definition: “Worldliness … is generally an attitude or a frame of mind that leaves out the spiritual dimension and concentrates, beyond the proper boundaries, on temporal things.“ (Harold Lindsell)
3. “Don’t love the world’s ways. Don’t love the world’s goods. Love of the world squeezes out love for the Father. Practically everything that goes on in the world-wanting your own way, wanting everything for yourself, wanting to appear important-has nothing to do with the Father.” (I John 2:12-17, The Message)
4. The answer to worldliness is to renew our minds by the Word of God and by prayer (Romans 12:1,2)
Sunday, August 27, 2006
The Unguarded Heart, Pt 3
We unfortunately do not have the MP3 recording of this message. Below is the recap.
Recap of 8/27/06 (1 Kings 11:4-9)
1. Solomon’s heart was turned by his foreign wives, thus his heart was not fully devoted to the Lord. God requires integrity of heart (cp. 9:4, “a united heart, a single heart”).
2. We must examine our own hearts (the inner person made up of intellect, emotion, & will) to see if we are “single-hearted” toward the Lord. The things we organize our lives around are the things that we are fully devoted to.
3. We must guard our hearts (Proverbs 4:23) so that they are not divided toward the Lord. We
must guard them against the sinful nature (Galatians 5:13-18; Romans 13:14). The sinful nature within us seeks to produce attitudes and actions that are not characteristic of Christ. We must yield to the Holy Spirit in our lives (Ephesians 5:18) so that can produce the character of Christ in us.
4. We must guard our hearts against legalism. (Galatians 3:3; 5:1,7; Colossians 2:20-23). We do not gain God’s favor by adhering to human commands and regulations, or even Old Testament law but by a life of faith.
Recap of 8/27/06 (1 Kings 11:4-9)
1. Solomon’s heart was turned by his foreign wives, thus his heart was not fully devoted to the Lord. God requires integrity of heart (cp. 9:4, “a united heart, a single heart”).
2. We must examine our own hearts (the inner person made up of intellect, emotion, & will) to see if we are “single-hearted” toward the Lord. The things we organize our lives around are the things that we are fully devoted to.
3. We must guard our hearts (Proverbs 4:23) so that they are not divided toward the Lord. We
must guard them against the sinful nature (Galatians 5:13-18; Romans 13:14). The sinful nature within us seeks to produce attitudes and actions that are not characteristic of Christ. We must yield to the Holy Spirit in our lives (Ephesians 5:18) so that can produce the character of Christ in us.
4. We must guard our hearts against legalism. (Galatians 3:3; 5:1,7; Colossians 2:20-23). We do not gain God’s favor by adhering to human commands and regulations, or even Old Testament law but by a life of faith.
Sunday, August 20, 2006
The Unguarded Heart, Pt 2
Click here to download the sermon file.
Recap of 8/20/06 (1 Kings 11:1-3)
1. Believers are warned in scripture against forming deep relationships (business, marriage, etc.) with unbelievers (2 Corinthians 6:14-15).
The scriptures have much to say about the importance of choosing the right kinds of
companions because of their influence upon our lives (Proverbs 12:26; 13:20; 1 Cor 15:33).
3. We should avoid a gossip, a hot-tempered person, a hypocrite, a prideful person, a person who’s always causing trouble, an unfaithful person, a deceptive person, a quarrelsome person.
4. We should choose a trustworthy person, a forgiving person, a fowl-weather friend; a patient person, a person at peace with themselves and others, a person with pure motives and gracious speech, a person who gives good, thoughtful advice, and an honest person who will challenge us to be better.
Recap of 8/20/06 (1 Kings 11:1-3)
1. Believers are warned in scripture against forming deep relationships (business, marriage, etc.) with unbelievers (2 Corinthians 6:14-15).
The scriptures have much to say about the importance of choosing the right kinds of
companions because of their influence upon our lives (Proverbs 12:26; 13:20; 1 Cor 15:33).
3. We should avoid a gossip, a hot-tempered person, a hypocrite, a prideful person, a person who’s always causing trouble, an unfaithful person, a deceptive person, a quarrelsome person.
4. We should choose a trustworthy person, a forgiving person, a fowl-weather friend; a patient person, a person at peace with themselves and others, a person with pure motives and gracious speech, a person who gives good, thoughtful advice, and an honest person who will challenge us to be better.
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Sunday, August 06, 2006
The Unguarded Heart
Click here to download the sermon file.
Recap of 8/6/06 (1 Kings 11:1-3)
Yardsticks for Love (Howard G. Hendricks)
-“True love involves a responsiveness to the total self of the one loved.”
-“In true love there is not only a feeling of pleasure, but also of reverence.”
-“True love has a quality of self-giving.”
-True love asks not what can I get out of a relationship, but what can I give to it.
-“True love is marked by unusual joy while in the company of the other, and pain in separation.”
-“There is mutual enjoyment of each other without constant need of physical expression.”
-“True love has a protective attitude.”
-“In true love there is a feeling of belongingness.”
-“True love has a feeling that you understand each other unusually well.”
-“Love matures. It is dynamic in its growth.”
Recap of 8/6/06 (1 Kings 11:1-3)
Yardsticks for Love (Howard G. Hendricks)
-“True love involves a responsiveness to the total self of the one loved.”
-“In true love there is not only a feeling of pleasure, but also of reverence.”
-“True love has a quality of self-giving.”
-True love asks not what can I get out of a relationship, but what can I give to it.
-“True love is marked by unusual joy while in the company of the other, and pain in separation.”
-“There is mutual enjoyment of each other without constant need of physical expression.”
-“True love has a protective attitude.”
-“In true love there is a feeling of belongingness.”
-“True love has a feeling that you understand each other unusually well.”
-“Love matures. It is dynamic in its growth.”
Sunday, July 30, 2006
How To Endure Success
Click here to download the sermon file.
Recap of 7/30/06 (1 Kings 10:1-29)
1. Solomon got caught up in the trappings of power, wealth, and fame. Little by little he was compromising the Word of God. Spiritual decay was going on under the surface (unfelt and unseen). His heart and his loyalties were divided.
2. The danger of wealth, acclaim, pleasure, luxury and ease is that we get too comfortable in this world and we forget that this world is not our home. We are citizens of heaven and are to conduct ourselves as such (Philippians 1:27; 3:17-20). When these things are our focus, the things of God become by comparison less valuable to us. When the things of God are valuable to us the wealth, acclaim, etc. become less important.
Recap of 7/30/06 (1 Kings 10:1-29)
1. Solomon got caught up in the trappings of power, wealth, and fame. Little by little he was compromising the Word of God. Spiritual decay was going on under the surface (unfelt and unseen). His heart and his loyalties were divided.
2. The danger of wealth, acclaim, pleasure, luxury and ease is that we get too comfortable in this world and we forget that this world is not our home. We are citizens of heaven and are to conduct ourselves as such (Philippians 1:27; 3:17-20). When these things are our focus, the things of God become by comparison less valuable to us. When the things of God are valuable to us the wealth, acclaim, etc. become less important.
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Success And Failure
Click here to download the sermon file.
Recap of 7/23/06 (1 Kings 9:1-28)
1. Chapter 9 (and 10) explains in part how Solomon went from being wholly devoted to God in chapter three to becoming labeled an idolater in chapter 11. God comes to Solomon just past the midpoint of his reign. Solomon seems to be at a spiritual crossroads, a decisive moment in his life. God comes to warn him to be faithful, to walk in His ways. It seems that Solomon, instead of listening, had a gradual spiritual decline, his heart was divided, his loyalties mixed. He did not take one giant step away from the Lord, rather his fall was in the little steps, little decisions. As it is with us.
2. God promises His watch care over His people in the phrases “My name…My eyes…My heart.” (see 2 Chronicles 16:9 as a counter for 1 Peter 5:8)
3. God uses David as an example of one who was faithful, who walked in integrity and uprightness. Though David failed morally yet because he confessed his sin (Psalms 32 & 51) and was restored by god, his love for and devotion to God is the major characteristic of his life. Solomon’s failure would be greater for he would commit spiritual adultery.
Recap of 7/23/06 (1 Kings 9:1-28)
1. Chapter 9 (and 10) explains in part how Solomon went from being wholly devoted to God in chapter three to becoming labeled an idolater in chapter 11. God comes to Solomon just past the midpoint of his reign. Solomon seems to be at a spiritual crossroads, a decisive moment in his life. God comes to warn him to be faithful, to walk in His ways. It seems that Solomon, instead of listening, had a gradual spiritual decline, his heart was divided, his loyalties mixed. He did not take one giant step away from the Lord, rather his fall was in the little steps, little decisions. As it is with us.
2. God promises His watch care over His people in the phrases “My name…My eyes…My heart.” (see 2 Chronicles 16:9 as a counter for 1 Peter 5:8)
3. God uses David as an example of one who was faithful, who walked in integrity and uprightness. Though David failed morally yet because he confessed his sin (Psalms 32 & 51) and was restored by god, his love for and devotion to God is the major characteristic of his life. Solomon’s failure would be greater for he would commit spiritual adultery.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Dedicated To God
Click here to download the sermon file.
Recap of 7/16/06 (1 Kings 8:1-66)
The ark of the covenant (or the testimony) is brought into the Temple at the Temple’s
dedication. The ark represented to Israel a reminder of their sinfulness, of their need, of their responsibilities to God, of His graciousness. It was a reminder of the need for a blood atonement, which looked forward to the coming of Jesus Christ and His sacrifice on Calvary. Without the application of the blood of the sacrifice, it was only a throne of judgment. With the blood it
became a throne of mercy. Even as the cross was at once and the same time a throne of
judgment and a throne of mercy because the Savior shed His blood for all men to open the way to salvation by faith.
2. The cloud of God’s glorious presence filled the Temple, as it had the Tabernacle in a earlier day. John said that when Jesus came to the earth, we beheld God’s glory (John 1:14,15). Paul said that God’s glory resides in believers and we reflect it to the world in the increasing character of Jesus Christ in us (2 Cor. 3:4-18).
3. Solomon in his prayer recognizes that man is sinful and in need of God’s gracious forgiveness. (Rom. 3:10, 21).
Recap of 7/16/06 (1 Kings 8:1-66)
The ark of the covenant (or the testimony) is brought into the Temple at the Temple’s
dedication. The ark represented to Israel a reminder of their sinfulness, of their need, of their responsibilities to God, of His graciousness. It was a reminder of the need for a blood atonement, which looked forward to the coming of Jesus Christ and His sacrifice on Calvary. Without the application of the blood of the sacrifice, it was only a throne of judgment. With the blood it
became a throne of mercy. Even as the cross was at once and the same time a throne of
judgment and a throne of mercy because the Savior shed His blood for all men to open the way to salvation by faith.
2. The cloud of God’s glorious presence filled the Temple, as it had the Tabernacle in a earlier day. John said that when Jesus came to the earth, we beheld God’s glory (John 1:14,15). Paul said that God’s glory resides in believers and we reflect it to the world in the increasing character of Jesus Christ in us (2 Cor. 3:4-18).
3. Solomon in his prayer recognizes that man is sinful and in need of God’s gracious forgiveness. (Rom. 3:10, 21).
Sunday, July 09, 2006
What's Your Talent?
Click here to download the sermon file.
Recap of 7/9/06 (1 Kings 7:1-51)
1. Two bronze pillars adorned the front of the Temple. They were named Jakim (“He [God] establishes) and Boaz (In Him [God] is strength). They were to be reminders to the king, the priests, and the people that God establishes them in all they do and that they needed to rely upon God for their strength. A reminder that is still relevant to God’s people today. A reminder that we are to find our stability and strength in God and not in ourselves.
2. God has given every believer a talent (even as Hurum in 1 Kings 7) that is ultimately to be used for Him. To use our talents for Him we must overcome the obstacles of ignorance, selfishness, our handicaps, fear, and impatience.
Recap of 7/9/06 (1 Kings 7:1-51)
1. Two bronze pillars adorned the front of the Temple. They were named Jakim (“He [God] establishes) and Boaz (In Him [God] is strength). They were to be reminders to the king, the priests, and the people that God establishes them in all they do and that they needed to rely upon God for their strength. A reminder that is still relevant to God’s people today. A reminder that we are to find our stability and strength in God and not in ourselves.
2. God has given every believer a talent (even as Hurum in 1 Kings 7) that is ultimately to be used for Him. To use our talents for Him we must overcome the obstacles of ignorance, selfishness, our handicaps, fear, and impatience.
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Sunday Morning Message from June 18, 2006
Click here to download the sermon file.
Recap of 6/18/06 (1 Kings 6:1-38)
1. “It is essential to understand that the Temple was only a resident symbol to stimulate worship as a way of life. If you don’t comprehend that you miss the whole point of the Temple. Temples are symbols, not realities, just like the sacrifices and the Sabbath system were symbolic of greater realities.” (John MacArthur)
2. God reminds Solomon that it was not about walls, floors, ceiling, materials, not about going through the motions, but rather about where Solomon’s heart was and the hearts of the people of Israel. The Temple’s worth was in proportion to how much it stimulated true worship and obedience in the hearts of God’s king and people.
3. Today we are God’s temple (our bodies, I Cor. 6:19,20; our local church, I Cor. 3:16ff; the church universal, Eph. 2:19-22; 1 Peter 2:4ff), buildings made not of wood and stone but of character, witness, love, grace and obedience.
Recap of 6/18/06 (1 Kings 6:1-38)
1. “It is essential to understand that the Temple was only a resident symbol to stimulate worship as a way of life. If you don’t comprehend that you miss the whole point of the Temple. Temples are symbols, not realities, just like the sacrifices and the Sabbath system were symbolic of greater realities.” (John MacArthur)
2. God reminds Solomon that it was not about walls, floors, ceiling, materials, not about going through the motions, but rather about where Solomon’s heart was and the hearts of the people of Israel. The Temple’s worth was in proportion to how much it stimulated true worship and obedience in the hearts of God’s king and people.
3. Today we are God’s temple (our bodies, I Cor. 6:19,20; our local church, I Cor. 3:16ff; the church universal, Eph. 2:19-22; 1 Peter 2:4ff), buildings made not of wood and stone but of character, witness, love, grace and obedience.
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Sunday Morning Message from June 11, 2006
Click here to download the sermon file.
Recap of 6/11/06 (1 Kings 5:1-18)
1. It was David’s dream to build the Temple, but God did not permit him to. God’s choice to build the Temple was Solomon and David did all he could in planning, preparing, and gathering materials to make the job that much easier for Solomon. Often God will allow us to fulfill our dreams but when He doesn’t, rather than complain or chaff at our misfortune, we must do the best job we can to prepare the person who will fulfill the dream. If we are fulfilling someone else’s dream we must not let them (or God) down.
2. David used his relationship with Hiram, King of Tyre, to influence him toward Israel’s God. God has put people in our sphere of influence so that we may have a part in revealing God to them.
3. God used people of many nations (believer and unbeliever alike) in the building of His Temple. This was an illustration of the fact that gentiles were to be recipients of the spiritual truths Israel had to share.
Recap of 6/11/06 (1 Kings 5:1-18)
1. It was David’s dream to build the Temple, but God did not permit him to. God’s choice to build the Temple was Solomon and David did all he could in planning, preparing, and gathering materials to make the job that much easier for Solomon. Often God will allow us to fulfill our dreams but when He doesn’t, rather than complain or chaff at our misfortune, we must do the best job we can to prepare the person who will fulfill the dream. If we are fulfilling someone else’s dream we must not let them (or God) down.
2. David used his relationship with Hiram, King of Tyre, to influence him toward Israel’s God. God has put people in our sphere of influence so that we may have a part in revealing God to them.
3. God used people of many nations (believer and unbeliever alike) in the building of His Temple. This was an illustration of the fact that gentiles were to be recipients of the spiritual truths Israel had to share.
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Sunday Morning Message from June 4, 2006
Click here to download the sermon file.
Recap of 6/4/06 (1 Kings 4:1-34)
1. Wisdom (hokmah) in the Old Testament in its widest meaning meant “skill in craftsmanship or administration.” Applied to life it meant the “art of being successful.” For the believer this skill begins with the knowledge of God, focusing on Him, seeing life from His perspective.
2. One area in which Solomon exhibited wisdom was in the administration of his kingdom, with its eleven chief administrators and its twelve district governors.
3. Israel was safe, secure and prosperous and at peace with the surrounding nations, a peace purchased by David and his wars. Through David’s sacrifices Israel was able to enjoy unprecedented success.
4. Solomon had wide ranging interests in all of life (zoology, ornithology, ichthyology, & forestry). His wisdom and learning drew all the world to his door. We should strive to be well-rounded people, enjoying learning, pursuing education, doing what we love and loving what we’re doing.
Recap of 6/4/06 (1 Kings 4:1-34)
1. Wisdom (hokmah) in the Old Testament in its widest meaning meant “skill in craftsmanship or administration.” Applied to life it meant the “art of being successful.” For the believer this skill begins with the knowledge of God, focusing on Him, seeing life from His perspective.
2. One area in which Solomon exhibited wisdom was in the administration of his kingdom, with its eleven chief administrators and its twelve district governors.
3. Israel was safe, secure and prosperous and at peace with the surrounding nations, a peace purchased by David and his wars. Through David’s sacrifices Israel was able to enjoy unprecedented success.
4. Solomon had wide ranging interests in all of life (zoology, ornithology, ichthyology, & forestry). His wisdom and learning drew all the world to his door. We should strive to be well-rounded people, enjoying learning, pursuing education, doing what we love and loving what we’re doing.
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Friday, May 26, 2006
Sunday Morning Message from May 7th, 2006
Click here to download the sermon file.
Recap of 5/7/06
1. David counsels his son Solomon to be aware of possible threats to the rule of God and of righteousness in Israel, especially Joab and Shimei.
2. David encourages Solomon to care for the family of Barzillai who cared for David’s needs when he was fleeing Absalom.
3. Belivers can live with hope and die without fear. The bible speaks of the death of believers in terms of “rest” and “sleep,” euphemisms which show that death holds no terror for believers. At death the spirit or soul of the believer goes immediately into the presence of God (2 Corinthians 5:6-8; Philippians 1:20-23; 1 Thessalonians 4:13ff; Luke 16:19ff) awaiting the resurrection.
4. At death the spirit or soul of the unbeliever goes immediately into hades (a temporary place of torment) where they await the resurrection of their bodies preceding the Great White Throne Judgment where they will be consigned to the Lake of Fire for all eternity (Luke 16:19ff; Revelation 20).
Recap of 5/7/06
1. David counsels his son Solomon to be aware of possible threats to the rule of God and of righteousness in Israel, especially Joab and Shimei.
2. David encourages Solomon to care for the family of Barzillai who cared for David’s needs when he was fleeing Absalom.
3. Belivers can live with hope and die without fear. The bible speaks of the death of believers in terms of “rest” and “sleep,” euphemisms which show that death holds no terror for believers. At death the spirit or soul of the believer goes immediately into the presence of God (2 Corinthians 5:6-8; Philippians 1:20-23; 1 Thessalonians 4:13ff; Luke 16:19ff) awaiting the resurrection.
4. At death the spirit or soul of the unbeliever goes immediately into hades (a temporary place of torment) where they await the resurrection of their bodies preceding the Great White Throne Judgment where they will be consigned to the Lake of Fire for all eternity (Luke 16:19ff; Revelation 20).
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Sunday Morning Message from May 14th, 2006
Mother's Day
We unfortunately do not have the MP3 for this message. Below is the recap.
Recap of 5/14/06
1. Solomon deals with the threats to his kingdom (and thus a threat to God's rule).
2. Adonijah again tries to usurp the throne and is executed, ironically fulfilling David's call for a fourfold restitution from the rich man of 2 Samuel 12 (not knowing he was condemning himself). David and Bathsheba's baby died, Amnon, Absalom, and Adonijah were killed. There are consequences for sin, even forgiven sin.
3. Abiathar was removed from office, fulfilling God's Word in 1 Samuel
2:30-35 that the line of Eli the priest would be cut off.
4. Joab was called to account for the murders of Abner and Amasa. Shedding innocent blood polluted the land (Numbers 35:30-34), a stain that had to be removed.
5. Solomon deals wisely with Shimei (of the tribe of Benjamin, King Saul's
tribe) who condemned himself by treating Solomon's authority with contempt.
We unfortunately do not have the MP3 for this message. Below is the recap.
Recap of 5/14/06
1. Solomon deals with the threats to his kingdom (and thus a threat to God's rule).
2. Adonijah again tries to usurp the throne and is executed, ironically fulfilling David's call for a fourfold restitution from the rich man of 2 Samuel 12 (not knowing he was condemning himself). David and Bathsheba's baby died, Amnon, Absalom, and Adonijah were killed. There are consequences for sin, even forgiven sin.
3. Abiathar was removed from office, fulfilling God's Word in 1 Samuel
2:30-35 that the line of Eli the priest would be cut off.
4. Joab was called to account for the murders of Abner and Amasa. Shedding innocent blood polluted the land (Numbers 35:30-34), a stain that had to be removed.
5. Solomon deals wisely with Shimei (of the tribe of Benjamin, King Saul's
tribe) who condemned himself by treating Solomon's authority with contempt.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Sunday Morning Message from April 30th, 2006
Click here to download the sermon file.
Recap of 4/30/06
1. David, knowing that death is near, prepares his son Solomon for his future responsibilities.
2. He first impresses upon Solomon his need to put God first in his life, to attend to his spiritual life. For Solomon to make good decisions and to have the courage to follow through on them he must know the Word of God and walk in His ways.
3. We must likewise prepare our children for life by teaching them: to love God and value the Word of God; to have good work habits; to value character above looks, popularity, etc.; what authentic biblical manhood and woman hood is; to delay gratification by respecting time tags (certain experiences are meant to be saved for certain stages of life); self-control; to avoid sexually charged situations and to anticipate dangerous situations.
Recap of 4/30/06
1. David, knowing that death is near, prepares his son Solomon for his future responsibilities.
2. He first impresses upon Solomon his need to put God first in his life, to attend to his spiritual life. For Solomon to make good decisions and to have the courage to follow through on them he must know the Word of God and walk in His ways.
3. We must likewise prepare our children for life by teaching them: to love God and value the Word of God; to have good work habits; to value character above looks, popularity, etc.; what authentic biblical manhood and woman hood is; to delay gratification by respecting time tags (certain experiences are meant to be saved for certain stages of life); self-control; to avoid sexually charged situations and to anticipate dangerous situations.
Sunday, April 23, 2006
How to burn our sermon mp3 files to an audio CD
A couple folks have asked me how to do various things with our sermon mp3 files. It should be relatively easy for you to make a CD of a sermon which you can then listen to in your car or home CD player. You will need a CD burner drive installed in your computer, but those are pretty common today. Windows Media Player (free to download from if it didn't come installed on your computer) works with most CD burners and is able to make both data (mp3 file) CDs and audio/music CDs that you can play in a CD player. Here are some pictures to try and make the process a little easier. Please note that the pictures show WMP version 10. Also, you'll probably only fit one sermon on an audio CD.

Bring up the sermon mp3 file in the left pane (either in Now Playing or Library), then select the "Burn List" on the right side. This will allow you to drag the file you wish to burn over from the left side to the right side (see below)

Now select the "Burn" tab at the top middle.

Choose the burn list on the drop-down menu on the left, then select "Audio CD" under your CD burner drive on the right. [Here is where you would select "Data CD" if you wanted to make an mp3 disk to play in another computer, or some DVD players -- you can fit more than a year's worth on one disk, but it will not play in a normal CD player.] If you don't see any drives available on the right drop-down menu, your burner may not be installed correctly, or not setup for use with WMP... if so, you've probably got Nero or Roxio CD burning software installed. Both of these programs also allow you to make audio CDs from mp3 files. The key is to choose Audio instead of Data.
I hope this little bit of info helps some. If you have any questions, just post a comment using the link below, or send me an email at mat at delriobiblechurch dot com.
Bring up the sermon mp3 file in the left pane (either in Now Playing or Library), then select the "Burn List" on the right side. This will allow you to drag the file you wish to burn over from the left side to the right side (see below)
Now select the "Burn" tab at the top middle.
Choose the burn list on the drop-down menu on the left, then select "Audio CD" under your CD burner drive on the right. [Here is where you would select "Data CD" if you wanted to make an mp3 disk to play in another computer, or some DVD players -- you can fit more than a year's worth on one disk, but it will not play in a normal CD player.] If you don't see any drives available on the right drop-down menu, your burner may not be installed correctly, or not setup for use with WMP... if so, you've probably got Nero or Roxio CD burning software installed. Both of these programs also allow you to make audio CDs from mp3 files. The key is to choose Audio instead of Data.
I hope this little bit of info helps some. If you have any questions, just post a comment using the link below, or send me an email at mat at delriobiblechurch dot com.
Sunday Morning Message from April 23rd, 2006
Click here to download the mp3 file. It's 10.6 MB and about 47 minutes long.
Recap of 4/23/06
1. The person who embraces God’s will will never be disappointed.
2. When we face setbacks or opposition in following God’s will we must keep going forward for He will overcome the opposition.
3. In looking for a confidante, advisor, friend, the following five qualities are crucial:
-someone who keeps confidences, who will not repeat damaging things.
Proverbs 11:13; 17:9; Psalm 141:3
-someone who is loyal to us because they are loyal to God first. Proverbs 18:24; 25:19 -someone who will encourage us, especially when we feel like giving up. 1 Thessalonians 2:7,11-12; Acts 16 -someone who will support us and help us carry our burdens, who will restore us when we fail, not throw us away. Galatians 6:1,2; Proverbs 17:17
-someone who will be honest with us and with whom we can be honest. Proverbs 27:9
Recap of 4/23/06
1. The person who embraces God’s will will never be disappointed.
2. When we face setbacks or opposition in following God’s will we must keep going forward for He will overcome the opposition.
3. In looking for a confidante, advisor, friend, the following five qualities are crucial:
-someone who keeps confidences, who will not repeat damaging things.
Proverbs 11:13; 17:9; Psalm 141:3
-someone who is loyal to us because they are loyal to God first. Proverbs 18:24; 25:19 -someone who will encourage us, especially when we feel like giving up. 1 Thessalonians 2:7,11-12; Acts 16 -someone who will support us and help us carry our burdens, who will restore us when we fail, not throw us away. Galatians 6:1,2; Proverbs 17:17
-someone who will be honest with us and with whom we can be honest. Proverbs 27:9
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Sunday Morning Message from April 16th, 2006
Click here to download the mp3 file. It's 11.3 MB and about 49 minutes long
Recap of 4/16/06
1. The disciples were not looking for the resurrection. They didn’t understand until after Jesus was resurrected what it was that Jesus was trying to tell them (John 2:19ff; Mark 8:31; 9:9; 9:31)
2. Jesus appears physically and bodily, alive from the dead, to the 10 Apostles (minus Judas and Thomas).
3. Thomas, not present the first time Jesus appeared to the Apostles as a group, knowing that Jesus had died, sets up a test. He would not believe unless he saw Jesus bodily, especially the nail prints and hole in His side.
4. A week later Jesus appears to all eleven (Thomas present this time) and shows Thomas His hands and side. Thomas responds by believing and calling Jesus by two titles of deity, Lord and God.
5. The evidences for the resurrection include: the empty tomb, Jesus’ many appearances to more than 500 people, the change in Peter and others from being fearful and discouraged to being bold and triumphant, lack of any challenge on the Day of Pentecost (less than two months after the crucifixion and resurrection), and the change to Sunday worship.
Recap of 4/16/06
1. The disciples were not looking for the resurrection. They didn’t understand until after Jesus was resurrected what it was that Jesus was trying to tell them (John 2:19ff; Mark 8:31; 9:9; 9:31)
2. Jesus appears physically and bodily, alive from the dead, to the 10 Apostles (minus Judas and Thomas).
3. Thomas, not present the first time Jesus appeared to the Apostles as a group, knowing that Jesus had died, sets up a test. He would not believe unless he saw Jesus bodily, especially the nail prints and hole in His side.
4. A week later Jesus appears to all eleven (Thomas present this time) and shows Thomas His hands and side. Thomas responds by believing and calling Jesus by two titles of deity, Lord and God.
5. The evidences for the resurrection include: the empty tomb, Jesus’ many appearances to more than 500 people, the change in Peter and others from being fearful and discouraged to being bold and triumphant, lack of any challenge on the Day of Pentecost (less than two months after the crucifixion and resurrection), and the change to Sunday worship.
Sunday Morning Message from April 9th, 2006
Click here to download the mp3 file. It's 9.8 MB and about 43 minutes long
Recap of 4/9/06
1. Nathan is a profile in both loyalty and leadership:
-Nathan steps into the void of leadership left by David's feeble condition and advanced years -David was inattentive and disconnected at this important juncture in Israel 's history.
-God would use Nathan and Bathsheba to rouse David to action and to see that His will be accomplished
-Nathan was loyal to David but more importantly he was loyal to God.
-Nathan was zealous to see that God's will prevail despite Adonijah's scheming
2. "The overriding need of the church today is for a leadership that is spiritual and sacrificial, that is authoritative, though not authoritarian."
J. Oswald Sanders in Spiritual Leadership.
Recap of 4/9/06
1. Nathan is a profile in both loyalty and leadership:
-Nathan steps into the void of leadership left by David's feeble condition and advanced years -David was inattentive and disconnected at this important juncture in Israel 's history.
-God would use Nathan and Bathsheba to rouse David to action and to see that His will be accomplished
-Nathan was loyal to David but more importantly he was loyal to God.
-Nathan was zealous to see that God's will prevail despite Adonijah's scheming
2. "The overriding need of the church today is for a leadership that is spiritual and sacrificial, that is authoritative, though not authoritarian."
J. Oswald Sanders in Spiritual Leadership.
Saturday, April 01, 2006
The Da Vinci Code: A Quest for Answers – by Josh McDowell
Check out the site for a free study guide to accompany the book that Joe discussed on Sunday.
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Sunday Morning Message from March 26th, 2006
"The Parenting Imperative" (pt 3)
Click here to download the mp3 file. It's 11.2 MB and about 48 minutes long
Recap of 3/26/06
Parenting priorities (in part from article by Dr. Stanley Toussaint):
-Partner before children (Genesis 2:24)- the priority relationship is that of marriage. It is possible to devote so much time to children that our spouse is given second place. Children learn about marriage, relationships between the sexes from watching their parents relationship.
-Children before friends (Psalm 127:3)
"Ten Positive Parenting Skills" (Roger & Becky Tirabassi)
1) Model your faith (Deuteronomy 6:4-9)
2) Pray regularly for your children
3) Treat your children with respect
4) Teach your children to give
5) Whenever possible, attend a church that has an excellent children's and/or youth department
6) Say or do the things that you want your children to say or do
7) Apologize to your children when it is appropriate. Ask them for forgiveness
8) Don't say no unless you have to
9) Be loving toward your spouse in front of your children
10) As your children get older discuss and evaluate curfews, discipline measures, expectations and finances).
Click here to download the mp3 file. It's 11.2 MB and about 48 minutes long
Recap of 3/26/06
Parenting priorities (in part from article by Dr. Stanley Toussaint):
-Partner before children (Genesis 2:24)- the priority relationship is that of marriage. It is possible to devote so much time to children that our spouse is given second place. Children learn about marriage, relationships between the sexes from watching their parents relationship.
-Children before friends (Psalm 127:3)
"Ten Positive Parenting Skills" (Roger & Becky Tirabassi)
1) Model your faith (Deuteronomy 6:4-9)
2) Pray regularly for your children
3) Treat your children with respect
4) Teach your children to give
5) Whenever possible, attend a church that has an excellent children's and/or youth department
6) Say or do the things that you want your children to say or do
7) Apologize to your children when it is appropriate. Ask them for forgiveness
8) Don't say no unless you have to
9) Be loving toward your spouse in front of your children
10) As your children get older discuss and evaluate curfews, discipline measures, expectations and finances).
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Sunday Morning Message from March 19th, 2006
"The Parenting Imperative" (pt 2)
Click here to download the mp3 file. It's 11.6 MB and about 50 minutes long
Recap of 3/19/06
1. God the Father is our example in discipline (Hebrews 12:5-11)
2. Generally speaking, disciplining children when their are young will produce a disciplined, godly life when they are adults. (Proverbs 22:6)
3. Parenting priorities (credit to Dr. Stanley Toussaint):
-Persons before things (we must never substitute things for ourselves, our time, our attention, our interest; the principle is "presence not presents")
-Home before occupation (family must take priority over occupational goals)
Click here to download the mp3 file. It's 11.6 MB and about 50 minutes long
Recap of 3/19/06
1. God the Father is our example in discipline (Hebrews 12:5-11)
2. Generally speaking, disciplining children when their are young will produce a disciplined, godly life when they are adults. (Proverbs 22:6)
3. Parenting priorities (credit to Dr. Stanley Toussaint):
-Persons before things (we must never substitute things for ourselves, our time, our attention, our interest; the principle is "presence not presents")
-Home before occupation (family must take priority over occupational goals)
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Sunday Morning Message from March 12th, 2006
"The Parenting Imperative" (pt 1)
Click here to download the mp3 file. It's 8.8 MB and about 37 minutes long
Click here to download the mp3 file. It's 8.8 MB and about 37 minutes long
Recap of 3/12/06
1. The Bible warns against passive parenting. (Proverbs 13:24; 19:18; 22:15; 23:13-14; 29:15-17)
2. Discipline involves
1) training and guidance &
2) verbal and physical correction.
3. Parents are not to embitter, discourage or exasperate their children by petty rules, inconsistent or harsh discipline, favoritism or perfectionism. (Colossians 3:21; Ephesians 6:4)
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Sunday Morning Message from March 5th, 2006
Click here to download the mp3 file. It's 9.3 MB and about 40 minutes long
Recap of 3/5/06
1. The lesson of 1 Kings is well summarized in the following quote from The Daily Devotional Bible: "The book of 1 Kings is all about the necessity of wholehearted devotion to the one true God, keeping focused on His finishing line. If we divide our loyalties between God and something else, that something else will almost always steal our heart away-and bring us to ruin."
2. In the first verses of chapter one we're introduced to:
-King David, who is advanced in years and in failing health (vv. 1-4)
-David's son, Adonijah, who attempts to take advantage of David's situation to ascend the throne (vs. 5)
-the fact that David was an indulgent father, who flunked Disciplining Children 101 (vs. 6)
3. We discipline our children: to shape their will, to counter their sin nature, to save them from death, to lead them to Christ.
4. Discipline involves both instruction (training and guidance) and correction (verbal and physical).
Recap of 3/5/06
1. The lesson of 1 Kings is well summarized in the following quote from The Daily Devotional Bible: "The book of 1 Kings is all about the necessity of wholehearted devotion to the one true God, keeping focused on His finishing line. If we divide our loyalties between God and something else, that something else will almost always steal our heart away-and bring us to ruin."
2. In the first verses of chapter one we're introduced to:
-King David, who is advanced in years and in failing health (vv. 1-4)
-David's son, Adonijah, who attempts to take advantage of David's situation to ascend the throne (vs. 5)
-the fact that David was an indulgent father, who flunked Disciplining Children 101 (vs. 6)
3. We discipline our children: to shape their will, to counter their sin nature, to save them from death, to lead them to Christ.
4. Discipline involves both instruction (training and guidance) and correction (verbal and physical).
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Sunday Morning Message from Februarty 26th, 2006
"Understanding the Spirit" part 6.
Click here to download the mp3 file. It's 10.6 MB and about 45 minutes longRecap of 2/26/06
1. The Holy Spirit sovereignly gives gifts to each believer for the common good. 1 Corinthians 12:7-11.
2. A spiritual gift is "a God-given ability for service" (Dr. Charles Ryrie).
3. Each believer has at least one gift. 1 Peter 4:10
4. Lists of gifts are found in 1 Corinthians 12; Romans 12; Ephesians 4 and include those gifts which were temporary (foundational or authenticating) and those which are permanent.
5. Spiritual gifts are given not for personal edification but for building up the Body of Christ. 1 Corinthians 12:7; 14:1-4,26; Ephesians 4:12ff
6. The NT does not give a procedure for discovering our spiritual gift(s) but rather assumes that as we grow in Christ and serve Him our spiritual gift(s) will come to the fore. To discover our spiritual gift, we should: be informed about what the Bible says about spiritual gifts; be willing to serve the Lord in whatever way He opens up; and be active in serving the Lord.
Sunday, February 19, 2006
Sunday Morning Message from February 19th, 2006
"Understanding the Spirit" part 5.
Click here to download the mp3 file. It's 10.6 MB and about 45 minutes long.
Scripture references: Click here to view NIV.
Recap of 2/19/06
1. The Holy Spirit is a seal upon the lives of believers showing God's ownership of us, our security in Him, His authority over us, and His protection of us. We are sealed unto the day of redemption, thus nothing can keep us from receiving all God has promised us.
2. Believers are commanded to be filled with the Spirit (to be under the influence and control of the Holy Spirit). Ephesians 5:18
3. Prerequisites to being filled with the Spirit are:
-we must deal with sin in our lives (Ephesians 4:30; 1 Thessalonians 5:19; 1 John 1:9)
-we must acknowledge God's right to our lives (Romans 12:1; 6:13; Galatians 2:20)
-we must live a life of dependence on the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:16)
4. Some of the results of the filling ministry of the Spirit (Christlike character, Galatians 5:22,23; acceptable worship and praise, Ephesians 5:19,20; right relationships in marriage, the home, on the job and in church, Ephesians 5:21ff.
Click here to download the mp3 file. It's 10.6 MB and about 45 minutes long.
Scripture references: Click here to view NIV.
Recap of 2/19/06
1. The Holy Spirit is a seal upon the lives of believers showing God's ownership of us, our security in Him, His authority over us, and His protection of us. We are sealed unto the day of redemption, thus nothing can keep us from receiving all God has promised us.
2. Believers are commanded to be filled with the Spirit (to be under the influence and control of the Holy Spirit). Ephesians 5:18
3. Prerequisites to being filled with the Spirit are:
-we must deal with sin in our lives (Ephesians 4:30; 1 Thessalonians 5:19; 1 John 1:9)
-we must acknowledge God's right to our lives (Romans 12:1; 6:13; Galatians 2:20)
-we must live a life of dependence on the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:16)
4. Some of the results of the filling ministry of the Spirit (Christlike character, Galatians 5:22,23; acceptable worship and praise, Ephesians 5:19,20; right relationships in marriage, the home, on the job and in church, Ephesians 5:21ff.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Sunday Morning Message from February 12th, 2006
"Understanding the Spirit" part 5.
Click here to download the mp3 file. It's 11.4 MB and about 49 minutes long.
Recap of 2/12/06
The work of the Holy Spirit which unites us with Christ and with each other in the body of Christ (the Church) is called the baptizing work of the Spirit. 1 Corinthians 12:13
-it was yet future in the gospels and in Acts 1:5
-it first occurred on the Day of Pentecost. Acts 11:15-17; 2:1-4
-it occurs at the moment of salvation
-all believers are baptized by the Spirit regardless of if they are spiritual or carnal/worldly, it is not related to spiritual condition. All of the Corinthians were baptized (1 Cor. 12:13) yet they are called worldly, unspiritual in chapters 1-3 and the church is rife with immorality, wrong practices, and wrong theology.
-nowhere in Scripture is anyone told to seek the baptism of the Spirit
-it is basic for separation from sin and walking in newness of life. Romans 6:1-14
-it is basic to right relationships in the Body of Christ
Click here to download the mp3 file. It's 11.4 MB and about 49 minutes long.
Recap of 2/12/06
The work of the Holy Spirit which unites us with Christ and with each other in the body of Christ (the Church) is called the baptizing work of the Spirit. 1 Corinthians 12:13
-it was yet future in the gospels and in Acts 1:5
-it first occurred on the Day of Pentecost. Acts 11:15-17; 2:1-4
-it occurs at the moment of salvation
-all believers are baptized by the Spirit regardless of if they are spiritual or carnal/worldly, it is not related to spiritual condition. All of the Corinthians were baptized (1 Cor. 12:13) yet they are called worldly, unspiritual in chapters 1-3 and the church is rife with immorality, wrong practices, and wrong theology.
-nowhere in Scripture is anyone told to seek the baptism of the Spirit
-it is basic for separation from sin and walking in newness of life. Romans 6:1-14
-it is basic to right relationships in the Body of Christ
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Sunday Morning Message from February 5th, 2006
"Understanding the Spirit" part 4.
Click here to download the mp3 file. It's 11 MB and about 47 minutes long.
Scripture references: Click here to view NIV.
Recap of 2/5/06
1. The Regenerating work of the Holy Spirit is "the work of God which gives new life to the one who believes." (Ryrie) Titus 3:5; John 3:3-7
-it is necessary because man is spiritual dead, Ephesians 2:1-10; Romans 5:12-21
-it is a supernatural work of God, John 1:12,13
-faith in the gospel is the human responsibility, 1 Peter 1:23; James 1:18
-results in a new nature, new life, eternal life, 2 Corinthians 5:17; 2 Peter 1:4
2. The Indwelling work of the Holy Spirit is the ministry of the Holy Spirit in taking up residence within the life of the believer the moment he comes to faith in Christ.
-believers are never commanded to be indwelt, it is assumed
-the presence of the Spirit is an indication of salvation, Romans 8:9
-all believers are indwelt regardless of their spiritual condition, 1 Corinthians 6:19
-the indwelling is permanent, Ephesians 4:30; 2 Corinthians 1:22
-the indwelling results in power to conform to the image of Jesus; helps our prayer life; makes the control (filling) of the Spirit possible; makes supernatural living possible
Click here to download the mp3 file. It's 11 MB and about 47 minutes long.
Scripture references: Click here to view NIV.
Recap of 2/5/06
1. The Regenerating work of the Holy Spirit is "the work of God which gives new life to the one who believes." (Ryrie) Titus 3:5; John 3:3-7
-it is necessary because man is spiritual dead, Ephesians 2:1-10; Romans 5:12-21
-it is a supernatural work of God, John 1:12,13
-faith in the gospel is the human responsibility, 1 Peter 1:23; James 1:18
-results in a new nature, new life, eternal life, 2 Corinthians 5:17; 2 Peter 1:4
2. The Indwelling work of the Holy Spirit is the ministry of the Holy Spirit in taking up residence within the life of the believer the moment he comes to faith in Christ.
-believers are never commanded to be indwelt, it is assumed
-the presence of the Spirit is an indication of salvation, Romans 8:9
-all believers are indwelt regardless of their spiritual condition, 1 Corinthians 6:19
-the indwelling is permanent, Ephesians 4:30; 2 Corinthians 1:22
-the indwelling results in power to conform to the image of Jesus; helps our prayer life; makes the control (filling) of the Spirit possible; makes supernatural living possible
Monday, January 30, 2006
Sunday Morning Message from January 29th, 2006
"Understanding the Spirit" part 3
Click here to download the MP3 file. It's 10.4 MB and 45 min. long.
Recap of 1/29/06
1. The Holy Spirit restrains sin through: human government, Romans 13:1; a sense of judgment to come, Hebrews 9:27; conscience, Romans 2:15; the believer's life; the church; the Word.
2. The "convicting" work of the Holy Spirit (John 16:8-11)
-making the message of salvation clear
-"Convict means to convince someone of something, to point something out to someone" (Moody Handbook of Theology)
-the H.S. convicts of sin (the sin of rejecting Jesus Christ), of righteousness (Jesus' has and offers the righteousness that God requires), and judgment (judgment awaits those who reject Christ).
-the H.S. uses the written Word, spoken witness or the preaching of the Word (John 15:26,27; Romans 10:14) directly in the conscience of the unsaved in the work of conviction.
Click here to download the MP3 file. It's 10.4 MB and 45 min. long.
Recap of 1/29/06
1. The Holy Spirit restrains sin through: human government, Romans 13:1; a sense of judgment to come, Hebrews 9:27; conscience, Romans 2:15; the believer's life; the church; the Word.
2. The "convicting" work of the Holy Spirit (John 16:8-11)
-making the message of salvation clear
-"Convict means to convince someone of something, to point something out to someone" (Moody Handbook of Theology)
-the H.S. convicts of sin (the sin of rejecting Jesus Christ), of righteousness (Jesus' has and offers the righteousness that God requires), and judgment (judgment awaits those who reject Christ).
-the H.S. uses the written Word, spoken witness or the preaching of the Word (John 15:26,27; Romans 10:14) directly in the conscience of the unsaved in the work of conviction.
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Sunday Morning Message for January 22th, 2006
"Understanding the Spirit" part 2.
Click here to download the MP3 file. It's 11 MB and 47 min. long.
1. The Holy Spirit is God
-He is identified as God in Acts 5:3,4
-He is said by Jesus to be a comforter or counselor similar to Himself, John 14:15-17
-He is named with other members of the Trinity on an equal basis, Matt. 28:19,20
-Old Testament passages in which God is the speaker are attributed to the
Holy Spirit in the New Testament (Acts 28:25 cp. Isaiah 6:1-13)
-He has divine attributes
2. The Holy Spirit is real not imaginary, though not seen, like the wind,
He is "real and active."
3. The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament:
-involved in creation, Genesis 1:2
-involved in revelation and inspiration of the Scripture, 2 Peter 1:21
-selectively and temporarily indwelled some Old Testament figures coming
upon them for a period of time for a specific purpose.
Click here to download the MP3 file. It's 11 MB and 47 min. long.
1. The Holy Spirit is God
-He is identified as God in Acts 5:3,4
-He is said by Jesus to be a comforter or counselor similar to Himself, John 14:15-17
-He is named with other members of the Trinity on an equal basis, Matt. 28:19,20
-Old Testament passages in which God is the speaker are attributed to the
Holy Spirit in the New Testament (Acts 28:25 cp. Isaiah 6:1-13)
-He has divine attributes
2. The Holy Spirit is real not imaginary, though not seen, like the wind,
He is "real and active."
3. The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament:
-involved in creation, Genesis 1:2
-involved in revelation and inspiration of the Scripture, 2 Peter 1:21
-selectively and temporarily indwelled some Old Testament figures coming
upon them for a period of time for a specific purpose.
Sunday Morning Message for January 15th, 2006
"Understanding the Spirit"
Click here to download the MP3 file. It's 10.7MB and 46 min. long.
Reference Verses:
John 14
John 16
Acts 1
John 7
I Corinthians 2
Matthew 28
II Corinthians 3
Recap of 1/15/06
1. An accurate, Biblical understanding of the Holy Spirit is vital to our spiritual lives.
2. The Holy Spirit is a person not an “it,” i.e., not a force, influence or power. The Holy Spirit:
- has personal characteristics (intellect, 1 Cor 2:10-11; emotion, Eph 4:30; and will, 1 Cor 12:11)
-does personal acts (He prays, Romans 8:26)
-is identified by masculine personal pronouns (though the word “spirit” in Greek is neuter)
-has personal relationships (as in the Godhead, Matthew 28:19,20)
-has personal reactions ascribed to Him (can be lied to, Acts 5:3)
Click here to download the MP3 file. It's 10.7MB and 46 min. long.
Reference Verses:
John 14
John 16
Acts 1
John 7
I Corinthians 2
Matthew 28
II Corinthians 3
Recap of 1/15/06
1. An accurate, Biblical understanding of the Holy Spirit is vital to our spiritual lives.
2. The Holy Spirit is a person not an “it,” i.e., not a force, influence or power. The Holy Spirit:
- has personal characteristics (intellect, 1 Cor 2:10-11; emotion, Eph 4:30; and will, 1 Cor 12:11)
-does personal acts (He prays, Romans 8:26)
-is identified by masculine personal pronouns (though the word “spirit” in Greek is neuter)
-has personal relationships (as in the Godhead, Matthew 28:19,20)
-has personal reactions ascribed to Him (can be lied to, Acts 5:3)
Friday, January 13, 2006
Sunday Morning Message for January 8th, 2006
"Keeping it Real" Pt. 2
Click here to download the MP3 file. It's 10.5MB and 45 min. long.
Reference Verses:
Luke 11:37-54
Recap of 1/8/06
Characteristics of Legalism:
-majoring on minors, imbalanced
-more concerned with perception than reality
-blind to their own failures, they contaminate others
-binding others to a wrong interpretation of the Scriptures
-spiritually intolerant of others
-hindering others in their spiritual journey
Click here to download the MP3 file. It's 10.5MB and 45 min. long.
Reference Verses:
Luke 11:37-54
Recap of 1/8/06
Characteristics of Legalism:
-majoring on minors, imbalanced
-more concerned with perception than reality
-blind to their own failures, they contaminate others
-binding others to a wrong interpretation of the Scriptures
-spiritually intolerant of others
-hindering others in their spiritual journey
Saturday, January 07, 2006
The church's website is back up!
Our website is now located at (You can add the www. if you like) Please let us know if there's something you'd like to see there.
Sorry for the change in addresses, but our old web host crumbled underneath us... so we got our own domain. Standby for the email addresses to change too.
Sorry for the change in addresses, but our old web host crumbled underneath us... so we got our own domain. Standby for the email addresses to change too.
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Sunday Morning Message for January 1st, 2006
"Keeping it Real" Pt. 1
Click here to download the MP3 file. It's 7.7MB and 33 min. long.
Recap of 1/1/06
1. Jesus surprises a Pharisee by not participating in the ritual washing required by the rabbis before a meal. He used this as an occasion to correct their false view of spirituality and to address the hypocrisy, greed, and self-indulgence of the Pharisees.
2. To the Pharisees (and all religionists/legalists) religion is a matter of external form and ritual rather than of the heart (the inner person).
3. It is ludicrous to cleanse the outside and not the inside. Washing the hands (the outside) did not make the heart pure (the inside).
4. The heart is where sin proceeds from (Mark 7:17-23; Matthew 15:15-20) and is not touched by ritual handwashing. True spirituality begins with the heart (and works its way out to the actions) not the hands. The heart must be guarded (Proverbs 4:23) for it is the genesis of our actions. The heart is only touched by the Spirit of God through the Word of God.
Click here to download the MP3 file. It's 7.7MB and 33 min. long.
Recap of 1/1/06
1. Jesus surprises a Pharisee by not participating in the ritual washing required by the rabbis before a meal. He used this as an occasion to correct their false view of spirituality and to address the hypocrisy, greed, and self-indulgence of the Pharisees.
2. To the Pharisees (and all religionists/legalists) religion is a matter of external form and ritual rather than of the heart (the inner person).
3. It is ludicrous to cleanse the outside and not the inside. Washing the hands (the outside) did not make the heart pure (the inside).
4. The heart is where sin proceeds from (Mark 7:17-23; Matthew 15:15-20) and is not touched by ritual handwashing. True spirituality begins with the heart (and works its way out to the actions) not the hands. The heart must be guarded (Proverbs 4:23) for it is the genesis of our actions. The heart is only touched by the Spirit of God through the Word of God.
Sunday, January 01, 2006
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