Sunday, October 29, 2006

When God Speaks, Part 2

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Recap of 10/29/06 (1 Kings 13:11-34)
1. If we expect the people around us to take the Word of God seriously, we must take the Word of God seriously.
2. When Satan cannot deter us from the will of God by evil, he will come as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:13-15)
3. Very often the greatest time of testing for us is after a great victory or successful ministry.
4. We must wary of those who would tell us what God’s will is for our lives.
5. It’s dangerous to follow those who speak for God but do not know Him, who purport to know His will but do not follow Him.
6. To defy the Word of God is serious business.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

When God Speaks

Click here to download the sermon file.

Recap of 10/22/06 (1 Kings 13:1-10)
1. Worship that God accepts must be “in spirit and in truth.” (John 4:24)
-because God is spirit worship is not tied to a certain place at a certain time, worship occurs as our human spirit responds to God’s Spirit (that is, not in external forms, but from the inside out)
-to worship “in spirit” we must be saved, yielded to the Holy Spirit, having our minds renewed and centered on God’s Word, and having confessed our sin to God.
-to worship “in truth” we must not just respond to God emotionally or ritually but must respond to His truth. Thus, knowing the Word is essential to worshipping God.
2. God, through the young “man of God” announces judgment upon Jeroboam‘s altar, with its false worship. Despite the sign of the altar being split and the ashes of the sacrifices falling out and the miraculous healing of Jeroboam’s paralyzed hand, he does not respond positively to God’s word.
3. Jeroboam continues to be unconcerned about his spiritual condition. Miracles of themselves do not produce conviction or faith. Miracles are not necessary for evangelism. (Luke 16:25ff)

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Wasted Opportunities, Pt 2

Click here to download the sermon file.

Recap of 10/15/06 (1 Kings 12:15-33)
1. Jereboam did not believe God’s promise to him in I Kings 11:37,38 and it led to fear for his kingdom and his life.
2. When there is fear in our lives it is an indication of something we do not believe about God.
3. Fear led to greater sin for Jereboam in that he set up alternative worship for the people of Israel to keep them from going to Jerusalem to worship God in the way He prescribed. This led to idolatry among the people of God.
4. When we worship God our worship must be acceptable to Him. Unacceptable worship is:
-to just go through the motions
-to treat God as a good luck charm
-to worship without obedience to His revelation in His Word
-to worship the wrong things, such as material objects, possessions, wealth.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Wasted Opportunities

Click here to download the sermon file.

Recap of 10/8/-6 (1 Kings 12:12-14)
1. Two styles of leadership emerge in 1 Kings 12, servant-leadership and authoritarian leadership.
2. Jesus taught that a leader leads by serving (Matthew 20:20-28; Mark 10:42-45) and that a leader lessens the burdens of others and doesn’t make them greater (Matthew 11:28-30; 23:1-4).
3. Jesus exemplified servant leadership: in His coming to earth as a servant (Philippians 2:1-13) and in His actions (John 13:1-17; Luke 22:24-27)
4. Servant leadership builds people up, it doesn’t use them.
5. Servant leaders lead by example, serving not being served.