Sunday, December 31, 2006

The Power of One

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Recap of 12-31-06 (1 Kings 16:29-17:1)
1. God raised up the prophet Elijah in a time of great spiritual darkness in the Northern Kingdom.
2. Israel’s falling away had reached a new low under Ahab, son of Omri. Through his marriage to Jezebel, Baal worship was brought into the Northern Kingdom on a major scale. Ahab turned to Baal and tried to make it the official religion of Israel, erecting a temple to Baal and setting up an Asherah pole. He led Israel into greater sin than any king before him. Baal was considered to be a rain/storm god, appealing to a people who depended upon agriculture. Add to that the base nature of Baal/Asherah worship and the people of God embraced this false worship.
3. Into this setting God sends one man to confront the sin of His people, the prophet Elijah. Elijah was an ordinary person, not unlike us (James 5:17), upon whom God knew He could rely. Because Elijah knew the Word of God and the God of the Word he announced a drought upon the land.4. Prayer challenge for 2007: “What do you want me to do Lord? And how am I to accomplish it?”

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Christmas Questions

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Recap of 12-24-06 (John 1:1-18)
1. The Apostle John begins his gospel with a prologue in which he introduces the themes of the book. He argues for the full deity and true humanity of Jesus Christ. He is the God-man. We won’t understand Jesus’ teaching and His works without understanding who He is.
2. John supports the deity of Jesus Christ by emphasizing that He is pre-existent (He existed before anything was), that He was face-to-face with God the Father in eternity, that He had a role in creation, and that He was the giver of life and light. This One became flesh (vs. 14)
3. John’s claims are backed up by eyewitness accounts, those who knew Jesus, heard His words, saw His works.4. Those who received Jesus (i.e. believed in Him) were born-again supernaturally and made a part of God’s family.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Life Without God

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Recap of 12-17-06 (1 Kings 15:25-16:28)
1. The Northern Kingdom was characterized by instability, murder, pride, ambition, conflict, drunkenness, and suicide. Every king was evil in that they continued the ways of idolatry and false worship. In God’s eyes they excelled only in evil, no matter how much the world looked upon them as successes. When people reject God they forfeit real peace and stability.
2. God sent prophets to call them back from their evil ways yet they persisted in going the way of death. God takes no delight in the death of the wicked. His patience, sometimes taken as inability to act, is meant to bring people to Himself (2 Peter 3:9).
3. Pride is the tendency to take credit for what God has done. God’s people should take pride in their relationship with Him, recognizing that all we are and have is from God. 1 Corinthians 1:26-31; 4:7; Jeremiah 9:23,24

Sunday, December 10, 2006

When Victory is Not Victory

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Recap of 12/10/06 (1 Kings 15:9-24)
If we are to be fruitful and victorious in our spiritual life, we must:
-put away the idols in our lives (the things which belie our allegiance to God above all, the things which do not belong in the life of a believer)
-live by faith, with real dependence upon God, not just lip-service
-seek to know God through His Word
-separate from the destructive forces in our lives
-be vigilant, careful about becoming self-sufficient and prideful, forgetting God-be responsive to the promptings of the Lord, confess sin

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Our Legacy, Part 2

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Recap of 12/3/06 (1 Kings 15:1-8)
How can we train our children and meet Biblical goals? (source: A Compact Guide to the Christian Life by K.C. Hinckley)
-give a lot of affection
-by our example
-use verbal teaching (Deuteronomy 6:7-9)
-be consistent in discipline
-involve our children in our goals
-be united as parents in our discipline and goals
-seek support from other Christians-take the long-range view (Proverbs 22:6)