Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Intelligent Love (Philippians Series)

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Recap of 8/26/07:
1. Paul is mindful of the day of Christ Jesus (the rapture-the return of Jesus for the church). He was consumed by the thought of Christ’s return and of being ready and unashamed at His return. Paul was also concerned for those he taught that they would be ready as well. The issue for the believer at Jesus’ return is not salvation (that’s already settled) but of rewards for faithful life and service.
2. Paul’s love for the Philippians found its source in Jesus Christ. Jesus was loving them through Paul. Who is it that Jesus wants to love through us?
3. Paul prays that they might act in love making right choices and not causing others to stumble.
4. Love is so important because it is greater than spiritual experiences, spiritual gifts, faith, service, and knowledge (I Corinthians 13:1-3; 8:1; source John Stott)
5. Love is evidenced by concern for others, willingness to yield to others, willingness to forgive, and sacrificial service.

Monday, August 20, 2007

The Important Thing Is...

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Part 4 of the Philippians series.

Recap of 8/12/07 & 8/19/07:
1. Paul addresses the leaders of the church (the Overseers and Deacons) in his greeting.
2. His likely reason for addressing them specifically is because of his need to deal in the letter with issues that had arisen at the church, specifically: lack of unity and rivalry. Personal ambition (contending for their own way) had replaced their care for each other and the things of Jesus Christ.
He addressed the leadership because as the leadership of a church goes so go the people. The need was greater now than ever for the leadership to be
unified and an example of unselfishness.
“Partnership” (i.e.”fellowship, koinonia”) means “to have in common.” It is a bond that is deeper than friendship. It speaks of the bond we have together in the church because we are in Christ. It speaks of the salvation we share, our work together in getting out the gospel, our meeting each others needs, and the sufferings of Jesus.
5. When God begins a work in believers he finishes it. Whether the subject is salvation or the work God calls us to do, He doesn’t give up, He finishes what He begins.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Partners in a Great Venture

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Part 3 of the Philippians Series. References chapter 1:3-11

Recap of 8/12/07:
1. Paul addresses the leaders of the church(the Overseers and Deacons) in his greeting.
2. His likely reason for addressing them specifically is because of his need to deal in the letter with issues that had arisen at the church, specifically their lack of unity and rivalry. Personal ambition (contending for their own way) had replaced their care for each other and the things of Jesus Christ.
3. He addressed the leadership because as the leadership of a church goes so go the people. The need was greater now than ever for the leadership to be unified and an example of unselfishness.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Servants & Saints, Part 2

Click here to download the sermon file.

Part 2 in the Philippians Series. Re-cap of August 5, 2007:
1. Christians are to respect church leaders for their works’ sake.
2. The biblical words Elder, Overseer (or Bishop), and Pastor (or Shepherd) all refer to the same church office or group of men.
3. Elders are qualified for the office on the basis of spiritual character, temperament, morality, ethics, reputation and service (things all believers should strive for), not on the basis of particular skills, status, or personality.
4. The duties of Elders include: general oversight of the church, monetary matters, feeding and leading, study and prayer, and warning and watching over the flock.5. Deacons are “servants” or “working helpers” who carry out specific ministry (especially in the area of material needs) under the direction of the Elders.