Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Sunday Morning Message from March 6th, 2005

Here's our first audio post. Click here to download the .mp3 file. Caution: huge filesize! It's 22MB (48 minute message encoded at 64kbs). We're considering posting a second file at a lower bitrate to make it more accessible to those with dial up connections. Please leave a "comment" (click on comments below) if that would be helpful for you. Since we're very new at this, please leave us a comment (or email) if you're able to download it and listen to the message ... it would be much appreciated.
Joe's text from Sunday was Acts 19:21-41. Here's the recap:
1. Paul's desire to reach Rome, and beyond, sets the tone for the last third of the book of Acts. The rest of the book chronicles his path to Rome.
2. So many lives were changed by the gospel that the artisans who profited from the false worship of Artemis of the Ephesians were affected financially. They responded by causing a riot.
3. Paul and the believers did not organize a boycott or a petition against the immoral worship of Artemis, they did not have to. Preaching the gospel and nurturing believers in the faith turned the tide without pressure tactics.
4. The Evangelical church today has abandoned the power of the gospel for the power of economic and political clout.