Sunday, April 17, 2005

Sunday Morning Message from April 17th, 2005

"When the Crowd is Wrong." Pastor Joe's text this morning is Acts 21:1-14.
This week's file is 10.7 MB and about 47 minutes long.
Recap of Acts 21:1-14
1. The organizing principle of a Christian's life must be the glory of God.
2. To live for the glory of God is not to be shielded from difficult circumstances and pain but to glorify God through them.
3. God revealed what would happen to Paul to both test his resolve and prepare him for what was coming.
4. We must identify with God's will in other believer's lives not our sympathies with what they are going through. We must pray for them and support them accordingly.
5. "Ultimately, our decisions must be guided by the Holy Spirit, not the emotions and opinions of other people." (Richards)