Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Message for Sunday, June 26th, 2005

Click here to download the mp3 file. It's 10.7 MB and about 46 minutes long.
This week, Pastor Joe resumes his teaching on Acts. His message is based on
Acts 25.

Recap of Acts 25:1-11
When we feel overwhelmed by life's circumstances despite our best efforts to serve the Lord, to pray, to grow and we have a sense that "everything is against us," we must:
-remember the biblical examples of others who felt that way (Abraham, Jacob, Moses)
-look for God in our circumstances- don't discount Him or distrust Him
-keep doing what's right (live responsibly)
-keep growing in our witness, bible study, prayer, and Christian character
-be patient
-recognize that God's way is best - "We may not know what the future holds but we know the One Who holds the future."