Sunday, June 11, 2006

Sunday Morning Message from June 11, 2006

Click here to download the sermon file.

Recap of 6/11/06 (1 Kings 5:1-18)
1. It was David’s dream to build the Temple, but God did not permit him to. God’s choice to build the Temple was Solomon and David did all he could in planning, preparing, and gathering materials to make the job that much easier for Solomon. Often God will allow us to fulfill our dreams but when He doesn’t, rather than complain or chaff at our misfortune, we must do the best job we can to prepare the person who will fulfill the dream. If we are fulfilling someone else’s dream we must not let them (or God) down.
2. David used his relationship with Hiram, King of Tyre, to influence him toward Israel’s God. God has put people in our sphere of influence so that we may have a part in revealing God to them.
3. God used people of many nations (believer and unbeliever alike) in the building of His Temple. This was an illustration of the fact that gentiles were to be recipients of the spiritual truths Israel had to share.