Sunday, January 21, 2007

Between Two Opinions

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Recap of 1-21-07 (1 Kings 18:20-24)
1. Elijah confronts the problem of the double mindedness among the people of God. They were dividing their allegiance between God and Baal. God’s hates divided allegiance and Elijah calls the people of God to make a choice.
2. Divided allegiance occurs repeatedly in the scripture and is a problem to this day. In the history of Israel and of the church the people of God are challenged to follow Him alone:
-Moses, Exodus 32:26
-Joshua, Joshua 24:15
-Jesus, Matthew 6:24
-James, James 1:8; 4:4-6
3. Some of the gods of the land today that seek to divide our allegiance to God: sex, celebrity, alcohol/drugs, uncontrolled pursuit of expansion/materialism, theological compromise at the service of political correctness, etc.