Sunday, March 25, 2007

When The Crowd Is Wrong, Pt 2

Click here to download the sermon file.

Recap of 3-25-07 (1 Kings 22:10-40)
God’s sovereignty:
-Acts in concert with human freedom and does not negate human responsibility for our actions
-acts in concert with our nature (example: Ahab, Judas Iscariot)
-“isn’t thwarted by human or Satanic opposition”
-doesn’t negate the need to pray
-“can override our choices” James 4:13-16
-“may allow us to experience adversity or success to mature us and show the world how we handle either one.”
-is an encouragement to us because it means God has everything under control (Acts 4:24-31)
-includes “what He causes to happen (His directive will) and what He permits to occur through secondary causes (His permissive will).”
(Sources: Compact Guide to the Christian Life; Systematic Theology by Berkhof; Basic Theology by Ryrie)