Sunday, April 15, 2007

The Jealousy of God

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Final sermon in the 1 Kings Series (March 5, 2006 to April 15, 2007):
Recap of 4-15-07
1 Kings 22:51 – 2 Kings 1:1-18
1. Two common failures of God’s people regarding the future:
-seeking counsel from the wrong unbiblical sources as Ahaziah did
-not inquiring of the Lord at all (Joshua 9:14; James 3:13-17
2. Our God is a jealous God. Exodus 20:5; Deuteronomy 4:24; 6:13-15; Exodus 34:14-His name is “jealous.”
3. There are two kinds of jealousy: 1) a negative kind which expresses itself in envy and malice, a mean kind of jealousy; and 2) “zeal to protect a love relationship” (J.I. Packer). God’s jealousy is of the second kind.
4. Because of God’s jealousy over us we should be “personally and passionately devoted to Jesus Christ” (Oswald Chambers). Whatever stands in the way of our devotion to God must be addressed whether it be service, devotion to our conviction, or devotion to a cause. Devotion to Christ must come first, then service, etc. 5. Two examples of those passionately devoted to Christ are Paul (see Philippians 3) and Mary (sister of Martha and Lazarus).