Wednesday, June 13, 2007

God's Design For Marriage, Part 7

Click here to download the sermon file.

Recap of June 10, 2007:
Staying pure in a sexually charged society:
1. Determine beforehand what your limits are and remind yourself often.
2. Don’t toy with immorality – be especially careful about your thought life and about what you look at.
3. Build God’s standard into your life through Bible reading and study, prayer, scripture meditation and memorization. Determine to have nothing but God’s best for your life.
4. If necessary, flee the situation. 1 Corinthians 6:12-18; 1 Thessalonians 4:3-8; Genesis 39:6-12 5. Make a list of the consequences if you fail.
6. If you have already failed morally confess your sin to God, receive His forgiveness, recommit your life to His way, ask for His power to stop, and remember that there are consequences even for forgiven sin.