Monday, July 30, 2007

Servants & Saints (Philippians Series) - July 29, 2007

Click here to download the sermon file.
First in the Philippians Series, which continues through January 20, 2008.

Recap of July 29, 2007:
1. The church at Philippi was established by Paul on his Second Missionary Journey
(Acts 16:6-40) in about 51 A.D.
2. Some major themes of the book are:
-the possibility of living with joy in spite of difficult circumstances, people, things, the past, or worry.
-the necessity of thinking spiritually, Christianly: the way we live reflects what it is that occupies our thinking. Paul could have joy in the midst of trials because his thinking was consumed by Jesus Christ.
-the necessity of humility in our attitudes and actions towards others, deferring to others, not demanding our way-we are primarily citizens of Heaven and should live as such.