Monday, December 31, 2007

Living At Peace, Part 2

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Recap of Philippians 4:4-9, December 30, 2007:
1. Christians individually and churches corporately should be characterized by the following four attitudes and actions: joy, gentleness, peace, and right-thinking producing right-acting.
2. Joy is possible for Christians, not because circumstances are conducive to joy (often they are not), but because, through our relationship with Christ, we have hope that He is working all things for our good.
3. We are to show gentleness to all people - Christians and non-Christians alike. The gentleness spoken of here is: “knowing when not to apply the strict letter of the law--but to relax justice and introduce mercy” (William Barclay). We must yield our rights and pursue mercy with others.
4. The antidote for anxiety and worry is prayer which brings supernatural peace to guard our inner being (intellect, emotions, will) and our thoughts. If we are unwilling to trust God or to yield control to Him, peace will elude us.