Monday, January 05, 2009

DeJaVu All Over Again, Part 4

Click here to download the sermon file.

Recap of the sermon from January 4, 2009:

1. God blesses Isaac (Genesis 26:12-14) in response to his obedience in staying in the land and not going down into Egypt. God’s instructions in vv. 2 & 3 were to remain where he was and he obeyed (vs. 6).
2. Isaac persisted in the land despite opposition and animosity.
3. If we achieve anything of worth it will come through persistence (not personality, not giftedness, not the right connections).
4. We must persist in faith, persist in ministry, persist with people, persist in holiness and righteousness.
5. Isaac achieved peace with his enemies through: honesty; diplomacy (must show restraint, Proverbs 17:9,27; 19:11); renewed fellowship; and humility (Biblical humility is not being a push-over or fawning or weak; it is powerful and strong; not pretending a wrong was not done but exercising forgiveness in spite of the wrong done to us.