Monday, February 23, 2009

Getting Their Goats, Part 2

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Recap from February 22, 2009:

1. Jacob desired to return to his homeland (30:25,26) but it wasn’t yet God’s time. In 31:1,2 (six years later) circumstances became untenable as Laban and his sons’ attitudes cooled considerably toward Jacob, becoming even hostile, making a return desirable. In 31:3 God speaks to Jacob directing him to return to Canaan.
2. W. H. Griffith Thomas (1861-1924) drew from this passage three principles for discerning the will of God, as expressed by A.W. Pink:
-“Conviction in our hearts that God desires a certain course of action” (this alone is not sufficient for action)
-“Circumstances converge to make the action possible or expedient”
-“…after definitely waiting on God for it, some special word from the Scriptures which is suited to our own case and which by the Spirit bringing it manifestly to our notice (while waiting for guidance) is plainly a message from God to our hearts.”