Monday, July 27, 2009

A Primer in Purity & Other Virtues, Pt 3

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Below is a recap for 7/26/09's sermon.

As part of a strategy for purity we need to have a biblical understanding of God’s purposes for the sexual relationship.
1. There are four scriptural purposes for sex: procreation (Genesis 1:28); recreation and release (Proverbs 5:18,19); and communication (Genesis 2:24).
2. God has created us as sexual beings, therefore, in the context of the marriage relationship:
sex is good; it has been marred by the Fall (Genesis 3), and is for married couples only.
3. Sex outside of marriage causes us to sin against our own bodies in a way that is different from other sin (1 Corinthians 6:9-20) and has other destructive effects. It separates us from God, keeps other aspects of a relationship from developing, introduces fear and guilt into the relationship, and is training for unfaithfulness after marriage.

(Sources for this and other information see: A Compact Guide to the Christian Life by K.C. Hinckley and Before You Say I Do by H. Norman Wright and Wes Roberts)