Monday, August 10, 2009

Why Me?

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Recap of 8/9/09:
1. There are two ways we can respond to the hurts, failures, unjust treatment, and disappointments of life, we can be consumed by them, eaten up inside, never letting go of the hurt, never surrendering the pain, consumed with bitterness and revenge; or we can see beyond the hurt, pain, disappointment and allow God to use those things to fulfill His purposes for us. The latter is the path that Joseph trod.
2. What we can learn from Joseph’s response to injustice is:
-do what’s at hand and do it well, be conscientious, keep a positive attitude, an attitude of expectation (Joseph could not have seen how being in prison could be helpful to his cause)
-stay busy, make yourself available to God, to be used of Him, even in menial things
-be sensitive to the hurting people around us (Joseph could have been so locked in self-pity that he could have missed the pain of the baker and cupbearer and an opportunity for service – which would lead to his release )
-when the opportunity to share your plight comes, do not remain silent, trusting God does not mean just doing nothing
-wait for God to work (Genesis 41:1, Joseph waited two years)
3. “All the water in the ocean cannot sink a ship unless it gets inside; and all the trouble in the world cannot harm us unless it gains entrance to our hearts. On such analogy faith is pitch and caulking.” (Eugene Peterson, Praying with the Psalms)