Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Christmas' Gift To Us

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Recap of 12/20/09:
1. Mary and Joseph were in the betrothal period when the angel Gabriel came to Mary. During the betrothal period a couple were pledged to each other, considered to be married, and would require a divorce to end the relationship. The betrothal period was customarily a year during which time the bride would continue to live in her parent’s home and the marriage would not be consummated. To be found pregnant during this period would be considered adultery. This was the situation that Mary (and Joseph) faced in light of the announcement by the angel of Mary’s coming pregnancy.
2. In Luke 1:26,27,34; 3:23 and in Matthew 1:16,18,23, Mary’s virginity is verified both explicitly and implicitly.
3. The virgin birth was essential to Jesus’ saving purpose; only as the God-man would His sacrifice be acceptable. He had to be human so that He could die and He had to be God so that His death meant something.
4. Mary (and Joseph) are examples of the life of faith and obedience to God’s will in the face of adversity, difficult circumstances, disgrace and humiliation.