Monday, May 30, 2011

The First Sin (Continued)

Click here to download the sermon.

1. Following his ordeal from the hand of God to teach him (and God’s people) of God’s sovereignty over the affairs of mankind, Nebuchadnezzar praises the God of the Hebrews. “Perhaps Nebuchadnezzar was beginning to realize that only by submitting to God’s program and entering into fellowship with Him could his own life find true meaning.” (Gleason Archer)

2. New Testament warnings about pride (especially the Book of James); the one who is proud:

-thinks that they will last forever, that they are in absolute control of their fate

-trusts in their riches, skill, and strength without acknowledging God

-is an angry person, easily slighted, unforgiving of the failings of others

-has contempt for other people, especially not of their standing

-thinks of themselves first (others are in the way)

-boasts about themselves (though pride can exhibit itself in an “I am nothing” attitude)

-is energized by Satan whose sin was pride

-is double-minded

-thinks that they alone are responsible for what they are and have

-doesn’t recognize their own short-comings

3. Belshazzar of Daniel 5 was unknown in secular history and critics denied his existence (and thus Biblical accuracy). But as Edward Young states: “The fifth chapter of Daniel, although it has often been attacked as inaccurate in its statements, is nevertheless noteworthy for its accuracy….However, the name of the king…had been found upon cuneiform tables, and there can be no question about his historicity. The Bible is thus shown to be accurate in its mention of Belshazzar.”